Source code for ayon_api.utils

import os
import re
import datetime
import uuid
import string
import platform
import collections
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any

import requests
import unidecode

from .constants import (
from .exceptions import UrlError

REMOVED_VALUE = object()
NOT_SET = object()
SLUGIFY_WHITELIST = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
SLUGIFY_SEP_WHITELIST = " ,./\\;:!|*^#@~+-_="

RepresentationParents = collections.namedtuple(
    ("version", "product", "folder", "project")

RepresentationHierarchy = collections.namedtuple(

[docs]def get_default_timeout(): """Default value for requests timeout. First looks for environment variable SERVER_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY which can affect timeout value. If not available then use 10.0 s. Returns: float: Timeout value in seconds. """ try: return float(os.environ.get(SERVER_TIMEOUT_ENV_KEY)) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return 10.0
[docs]def get_default_settings_variant(): """Default settings variant. Returns: str: Settings variant from environment variable or 'production'. """ return os.environ.get(DEFAULT_VARIANT_ENV_KEY) or "production"
[docs]def get_default_site_id(): """Site id used for server connection. Returns: Union[str, None]: Site id from environment variable or None. """ return os.environ.get(SITE_ID_ENV_KEY)
[docs]class ThumbnailContent: """Wrapper for thumbnail content. Args: project_name (str): Project name. thumbnail_id (Union[str, None]): Thumbnail id. content_type (Union[str, None]): Content type e.g. 'image/png'. content (Union[bytes, None]): Thumbnail content. """ def __init__(self, project_name, thumbnail_id, content, content_type): self.project_name = project_name self.thumbnail_id = thumbnail_id self.content_type = content_type self.content = content or b"" @property def id(self): """Wrapper for thumbnail id.""" return self.thumbnail_id @property def is_valid(self): """Content of thumbnail is valid. Returns: bool: Content is valid and can be used. """ return ( self.thumbnail_id is not None and self.content_type is not None )
[docs]def prepare_query_string(key_values): """Prepare data to query string. If there are any values a query starting with '?' is returned otherwise an empty string. Args: dict[str, Any]: Query values. Returns: str: Query string. """ if not key_values: return "" return "?{}".format(urlencode(key_values))
[docs]def create_entity_id(): return uuid.uuid1().hex
[docs]def convert_entity_id(entity_id): if not entity_id: return None if isinstance(entity_id, uuid.UUID): return entity_id.hex try: return uuid.UUID(entity_id).hex except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError): pass return None
[docs]def convert_or_create_entity_id(entity_id=None): output = convert_entity_id(entity_id) if output is None: output = create_entity_id() return output
[docs]def entity_data_json_default(value): if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return int(value.timestamp()) raise TypeError( "Object of type {} is not JSON serializable".format(str(type(value))) )
[docs]def slugify_string( input_string, separator="_", slug_whitelist=SLUGIFY_WHITELIST, split_chars=SLUGIFY_SEP_WHITELIST, min_length=1, lower=False, make_set=False, ): """Slugify a text string. This function removes transliterates input string to ASCII, removes special characters and use join resulting elements using specified separator. Args: input_string (str): Input string to slugify separator (str): A string used to separate returned elements (default: "_") slug_whitelist (str): Characters allowed in the output (default: ascii letters, digits and the separator) split_chars (str): Set of characters used for word splitting (there is a sane default) lower (bool): Convert to lower-case (default: False) make_set (bool): Return "set" object instead of string. min_length (int): Minimal length of an element (word). Returns: Union[str, Set[str]]: Based on 'make_set' value returns slugified string. """ tmp_string = unidecode.unidecode(input_string) if lower: tmp_string = tmp_string.lower() parts = [ # Remove all characters that are not in whitelist re.sub("[^{}]".format(re.escape(slug_whitelist)), "", part) # Split text into part by split characters for part in re.split("[{}]".format(re.escape(split_chars)), tmp_string) ] # Filter text parts by length filtered_parts = [ part for part in parts if len(part) >= min_length ] if make_set: return set(filtered_parts) return separator.join(filtered_parts)
[docs]def failed_json_default(value): return "< Failed value {} > {}".format(type(value), str(value))
[docs]def prepare_attribute_changes(old_entity, new_entity, replace=False): attrib_changes = {} new_attrib = new_entity.get("attrib") old_attrib = old_entity.get("attrib") if new_attrib is None: if not replace: return attrib_changes new_attrib = {} if old_attrib is None: return new_attrib for attr, new_attr_value in new_attrib.items(): old_attr_value = old_attrib.get(attr) if old_attr_value != new_attr_value: attrib_changes[attr] = new_attr_value if replace: for attr in old_attrib: if attr not in new_attrib: attrib_changes[attr] = REMOVED_VALUE return attrib_changes
[docs]def prepare_entity_changes(old_entity, new_entity, replace=False): """Prepare changes of entities.""" changes = {} for key, new_value in new_entity.items(): if key == "attrib": continue old_value = old_entity.get(key) if old_value != new_value: changes[key] = new_value if replace: for key in old_entity: if key not in new_entity: changes[key] = REMOVED_VALUE attr_changes = prepare_attribute_changes(old_entity, new_entity, replace) if attr_changes: changes["attrib"] = attr_changes return changes
def _try_parse_url(url): try: return urlparse(url) except BaseException: return None def _try_connect_to_server(url, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout = get_default_timeout() try: # TODO add validation if the url lead to AYON server # - this won't validate if the url lead to '' requests.get(url, timeout=timeout) except BaseException: return False return True
[docs]def login_to_server(url, username, password, timeout=None): """Use login to the server to receive token. Args: url (str): Server url. username (str): User's username. password (str): User's password. timeout (Optional[float]): Timeout for request. Value from 'get_default_timeout' is used if not specified. Returns: Union[str, None]: User's token if login was successfull. Otherwise 'None'. """ if timeout is None: timeout = get_default_timeout() headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} response = "{}/api/auth/login".format(url), headers=headers, json={ "name": username, "password": password }, timeout=timeout, ) token = None # 200 - success # 401 - invalid credentials # * - other issues if response.status_code == 200: token = response.json()["token"] return token
[docs]def logout_from_server(url, token, timeout=None): """Logout from server and throw token away. Args: url (str): Url from which should be logged out. token (str): Token which should be used to log out. timeout (Optional[float]): Timeout for request. Value from 'get_default_timeout' is used if not specified. """ if timeout is None: timeout = get_default_timeout() headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token) } url + "/api/auth/logout", headers=headers, timeout=timeout, )
[docs]def get_user_by_token(url, token, timeout=None): """Get user information by url and token. Args: url (str): Server url. token (str): User's token. timeout (Optional[float]): Timeout for request. Value from 'get_default_timeout' is used if not specified. Returns: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: User information if url and token are valid. """ if timeout is None: timeout = get_default_timeout() base_headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", } for header_value in ( {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)}, {"X-Api-Key": token}, ): headers = base_headers.copy() headers.update(header_value) response = requests.get( "{}/api/users/me".format(url), headers=headers, timeout=timeout, ) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() return None
[docs]def is_token_valid(url, token, timeout=None): """Check if token is valid. Token can be a user token or service api key. Args: url (str): Server url. token (str): User's token. timeout (Optional[float]): Timeout for request. Value from 'get_default_timeout' is used if not specified. Returns: bool: True if token is valid. """ if get_user_by_token(url, token, timeout=timeout): return True return False
[docs]def validate_url(url, timeout=None): """Validate url if is valid and server is available. Validation checks if can be parsed as url and contains scheme. Function will try to autofix url thus will return modified url when connection to server works. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python my_url = "my.server.url" try: # Store new url validated_url = validate_url(my_url) except UrlError: # Handle invalid url ... Args: url (str): Server url. timeout (Optional[int]): Timeout in seconds for connection to server. Returns: Url which was used to connect to server. Raises: UrlError: Error with short description and hints for user. """ stripperd_url = url.strip() if not stripperd_url: raise UrlError( "Invalid url format. Url is empty.", title="Invalid url format", hints=["url seems to be empty"] ) # Not sure if this is good idea? modified_url = stripperd_url.rstrip("/") parsed_url = _try_parse_url(modified_url) universal_hints = [ "does the url work in browser?" ] if parsed_url is None: raise UrlError( "Invalid url format. Url cannot be parsed as url \"{}\".".format( modified_url ), title="Invalid url format", hints=universal_hints ) # Try add 'https://' scheme if is missing # - this will trigger UrlError if both will crash if not parsed_url.scheme: new_url = "https://" + modified_url if _try_connect_to_server(new_url, timeout=timeout): return new_url if _try_connect_to_server(modified_url, timeout=timeout): return modified_url hints = [] if "/" in parsed_url.path or not parsed_url.scheme: new_path = parsed_url.path.split("/")[0] if not parsed_url.scheme: new_path = "https://" + new_path hints.append( "did you mean \"{}\"?".format(parsed_url.scheme + new_path) ) raise UrlError( "Couldn't connect to server on \"{}\"".format(url), title="Couldn't connect to server", hints=hints + universal_hints )
[docs]class TransferProgress: """Object to store progress of download/upload from/to server.""" def __init__(self): self._started = False self._transfer_done = False self._transferred = 0 self._content_size = None self._failed = False self._fail_reason = None self._source_url = "N/A" self._destination_url = "N/A"
[docs] def get_content_size(self): """Content size in bytes. Returns: Union[int, None]: Content size in bytes or None if is unknown. """ return self._content_size
[docs] def set_content_size(self, content_size): """Set content size in bytes. Args: content_size (int): Content size in bytes. Raises: ValueError: If content size was already set. """ if self._content_size is not None: raise ValueError("Content size was set more then once") self._content_size = content_size
[docs] def get_started(self): """Transfer was started. Returns: bool: True if transfer started. """ return self._started
[docs] def set_started(self): """Mark that transfer started. Raises: ValueError: If transfer was already started. """ if self._started: raise ValueError("Progress already started") self._started = True
[docs] def get_transfer_done(self): """Transfer finished. Returns: bool: Transfer finished. """ return self._transfer_done
[docs] def set_transfer_done(self): """Mark progress as transfer finished. Raises: ValueError: If progress was already marked as done or wasn't started yet. """ if self._transfer_done: raise ValueError("Progress was already marked as done") if not self._started: raise ValueError("Progress didn't start yet") self._transfer_done = True
[docs] def get_failed(self): """Transfer failed. Returns: bool: True if transfer failed. """ return self._failed
[docs] def get_fail_reason(self): """Get reason why transfer failed. Returns: Union[str, None]: Reason why transfer failed or None. """ return self._fail_reason
[docs] def set_failed(self, reason): """Mark progress as failed. Args: reason (str): Reason why transfer failed. """ self._fail_reason = reason self._failed = True
[docs] def get_transferred_size(self): """Already transferred size in bytes. Returns: int: Already transferred size in bytes. """ return self._transferred
[docs] def set_transferred_size(self, transferred): """Set already transferred size in bytes. Args: transferred (int): Already transferred size in bytes. """ self._transferred = transferred
[docs] def add_transferred_chunk(self, chunk_size): """Add transferred chunk size in bytes. Args: chunk_size (int): Add transferred chunk size in bytes. """ self._transferred += chunk_size
[docs] def get_source_url(self): """Source url from where transfer happens. Note: Consider this as title. Must be set using 'set_source_url' or 'N/A' will be returned. Returns: str: Source url from where transfer happens. """ return self._source_url
[docs] def set_source_url(self, url): """Set source url from where transfer happens. Args: url (str): Source url from where transfer happens. """ self._source_url = url
[docs] def get_destination_url(self): """Destination url where transfer happens. Note: Consider this as title. Must be set using 'set_source_url' or 'N/A' will be returned. Returns: str: Destination url where transfer happens. """ return self._destination_url
[docs] def set_destination_url(self, url): """Set destination url where transfer happens. Args: url (str): Destination url where transfer happens. """ self._destination_url = url
@property def is_running(self): """Check if transfer is running. Returns: bool: True if transfer is running. """ if ( not self.started or self.transfer_done or self.failed ): return False return True @property def transfer_progress(self): """Get transfer progress in percents. Returns: Union[float, None]: Transfer progress in percents or 'None' if content size is unknown. """ if self._content_size is None: return None return (self._transferred * 100.0) / float(self._content_size) content_size = property(get_content_size, set_content_size) started = property(get_started) transfer_done = property(get_transfer_done) failed = property(get_failed) fail_reason = property(get_fail_reason) source_url = property(get_source_url, set_source_url) destination_url = property(get_destination_url, set_destination_url) transferred_size = property(get_transferred_size, set_transferred_size)
[docs]def create_dependency_package_basename(platform_name=None): """Create basename for dependency package file. Args: platform_name (Optional[str]): Name of platform for which the bundle is targeted. Default value is current platform. Returns: str: Dependency package name with timestamp and platform. """ if platform_name is None: platform_name = platform.system().lower() now_date = time_stamp = now_date.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M") return "ayon_{}_{}".format(time_stamp, platform_name)
def _get_media_mime_type_from_ftyp(content): if content[8:10] == b"qt" or content[8:12] == b"MSNV": return "video/quicktime" if content[8:12] in (b"3g2a", b"3g2b", b"3g2c", b"KDDI"): return "video/3gpp2" if content[8:12] in ( b"isom", b"iso2", b"avc1", b"F4V", b"F4P", b"F4A", b"F4B", b"mmp4", # These might be "video/mp4v" b"mp41", b"mp42", # Nero b"NDSC", b"NDSH", b"NDSM", b"NDSP", b"NDSS", b"NDXC", b"NDXH", b"NDXM", b"NDXP", b"NDXS", ): return "video/mp4" if content[8:12] in ( b"3ge6", b"3ge7", b"3gg6", b"3gp1", b"3gp2", b"3gp3", b"3gp4", b"3gp5", b"3gp6", b"3gs7", ): return "video/3gpp" if content[8:11] == b"JP2": return "image/jp2" if content[8:11] == b"jpm": return "image/jpm" if content[8:11] == b"jpx": return "image/jpx" if content[8:12] in (b"M4V\x20", b"M4VH", b"M4VP"): return "video/x-m4v" if content[8:12] in (b"mj2s", b"mjp2"): return "video/mj2" return None
[docs]def get_media_mime_type_for_content(content: bytes) -> Optional[str]: content_len = len(content) # Pre-validation (largest definition check) # - hopefully there cannot be media defined in less than 12 bytes if content_len < 12: return None # FTYP if content[4:8] == b"ftyp": return _get_media_mime_type_from_ftyp(content) # BMP if content[0:2] == b"BM": return "image/bmp" # Tiff if content[0:2] in (b"MM", b"II"): return "tiff" # PNG if content[0:4] == b"\211PNG": return "image/png" # SVG if b'xmlns=""' in content: return "image/svg+xml" # JPEG, JFIF or Exif if ( content[0:4] == b"\xff\xd8\xff\xdb" or content[6:10] in (b"JFIF", b"Exif") ): return "image/jpeg" # Webp if content[0:4] == b"RIFF" and content[8:12] == b"WEBP": return "image/webp" # Gif if content[0:6] in (b"GIF87a", b"GIF89a"): return "gif" # Adobe PhotoShop file (8B > Adobe, PS > PhotoShop) if content[0:4] == b"8BPS": return "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop" # Windows ICO > this might be wild guess as multiple files can start # with this header if content[0:4] == b"\x00\x00\x01\x00": return "image/x-icon" return None
[docs]def get_media_mime_type(filepath: str) -> Optional[str]: """Determine Mime-Type of a file. Args: filepath (str): Path to file. Returns: Optional[str]: Mime type or None if is unknown mime type. """ if not filepath or not os.path.exists(filepath): return None with open(filepath, "rb") as stream: content = return get_media_mime_type_for_content(content)
[docs]def take_web_action_event( server_url: str, action_token: str ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Take web action event using action token. Action token is generated by AYON server and passed to AYON launcher. Args: server_url (str): AYON server url. action_token (str): Action token. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Web action event. """ response = requests.get( f"{server_url}/api/actions/take/{action_token}" ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
[docs]def abort_web_action_event( server_url: str, action_token: str, reason: str ): """Abort web action event using action token. A web action event could not be processed for some reason. Args: server_url (str): AYON server url. action_token (str): Action token. reason (str): Reason why webaction event was aborted. Returns: requests.Response: Response from server. """ response = f"{server_url}/api/actions/take/{action_token}", json={"message": reason}, ) response.raise_for_status() return response