Source code for ayon_api.server_api

"""Server API.

Provides access to server API.

import os
import re
import io
import json
import time
import logging
import collections
import platform
import copy
import uuid
import warnings
import itertools
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Optional

    from http import HTTPStatus
except ImportError:
    HTTPStatus = None

import requests
    # This should be used if 'requests' have it available
    from requests.exceptions import JSONDecodeError as RequestsJSONDecodeError
except ImportError:
    # Older versions of 'requests' don't have custom exception for json
    #   decode error
        from simplejson import JSONDecodeError as RequestsJSONDecodeError
    except ImportError:
        from json import JSONDecodeError as RequestsJSONDecodeError

from .constants import (
from .graphql import GraphQlQuery, INTROSPECTION_QUERY
from .graphql_queries import (
from .exceptions import (
from .utils import (

PatternType = type(re.compile(""))
JSONDecodeError = getattr(json, "JSONDecodeError", ValueError)
# This should be collected from server schema
PROJECT_NAME_REGEX = re.compile(
_PLACEHOLDER = object()

VERSION_REGEX = re.compile(

def _convert_list_filter_value(value):
    if value is None:
        return None

    if isinstance(value, PatternType):
        return [value.pattern]

    if isinstance(value, (int, float, str, bool)):
        return [value]
    return list(set(value))

def _prepare_list_filters(output, *args, **kwargs):
    for key, value in itertools.chain(args, kwargs.items()):
        value = _convert_list_filter_value(value)
        if value is None:
        if not value:
            return False
        output[key] = value
    return True

def _get_description(response):
    if HTTPStatus is None:
        return str(response.orig_response)
    return HTTPStatus(response.status).description

[docs]class RequestType: def __init__(self, name): = name def __hash__(self): return
[docs]class RequestTypes: get = RequestType("GET") post = RequestType("POST") put = RequestType("PUT") patch = RequestType("PATCH") delete = RequestType("DELETE")
[docs]class RestApiResponse(object): """API Response.""" def __init__(self, response, data=None): if response is None: status_code = 500 else: status_code = response.status_code self._response = response self.status = status_code self._data = data @property def text(self): if self._response is None: return self.detail return self._response.text @property def orig_response(self): return self._response @property def headers(self): if self._response is None: return {} return self._response.headers @property def data(self): if self._data is None: try: self._data = self.orig_response.json() except RequestsJSONDecodeError: self._data = {} return self._data @property def content(self): if self._response is None: return b"" return self._response.content @property def content_type(self): return self.headers.get("Content-Type") @property def detail(self): detail = self.get("detail") if detail: return detail return _get_description(self) @property def status_code(self): return self.status
[docs] def raise_for_status(self, message=None): if self._response is None: if self._data and self._data.get("detail"): raise ServerError(self._data["detail"]) raise ValueError("Response is not available.") if self.status_code == 401: raise UnauthorizedError("Missing or invalid authentication token") try: self._response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc: if message is None: message = str(exc) raise HTTPRequestError(message, exc.response)
def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._response.__enter__(*args, **kwargs) def __contains__(self, key): return key in def __repr__(self): return "<{} [{}]>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.status) def __len__(self): return int(200 <= self.status < 400) def __bool__(self): return 200 <= self.status < 400 def __getitem__(self, key): return[key]
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): data = if isinstance(data, dict): return, default) return default
[docs]class GraphQlResponse: """GraphQl response.""" def __init__(self, data): = data self.errors = data.get("errors") def __len__(self): if self.errors: return 0 return 1 def __repr__(self): if self.errors: return "<{} errors={}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.errors[0]['message'] ) return "<{}>".format(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]def fill_own_attribs(entity): if not entity or not entity.get("attrib"): return attributes = set(entity["ownAttrib"]) own_attrib = {} entity["ownAttrib"] = own_attrib for key, value in entity["attrib"].items(): if key not in attributes: own_attrib[key] = None else: own_attrib[key] = copy.deepcopy(value)
class _AsUserStack: """Handle stack of users used over server api connection in service mode. ServerAPI can behave as other users if it is using special API key. Examples: >>> stack = _AsUserStack() >>> stack.set_default_username("DefaultName") >>> print(stack.username) DefaultName >>> with stack.as_user("Other1"): ... print(stack.username) ... with stack.as_user("Other2"): ... print(stack.username) ... print(stack.username) ... stack.clear() ... print(stack.username) Other1 Other2 Other1 None >>> print(stack.username) None >>> stack.set_default_username("DefaultName") >>> print(stack.username) DefaultName """ def __init__(self): self._users_by_id = {} self._user_ids = [] self._last_user = None self._default_user = None def clear(self): self._users_by_id = {} self._user_ids = [] self._last_user = None self._default_user = None @property def username(self): # Use '_user_ids' for boolean check to have ability "unset" # default user if self._user_ids: return self._last_user return self._default_user def get_default_username(self): return self._default_user def set_default_username(self, username=None): self._default_user = username default_username = property(get_default_username, set_default_username) @contextmanager def as_user(self, username): self._last_user = username user_id = uuid.uuid4().hex self._user_ids.append(user_id) self._users_by_id[user_id] = username try: yield finally: self._users_by_id.pop(user_id, None) if not self._user_ids: return # First check if is the user id the last one was_last = self._user_ids[-1] == user_id # Remove id from variables if user_id in self._user_ids: self._user_ids.remove(user_id) if not was_last: return new_last_user = None if self._user_ids: new_last_user = self._users_by_id.get(self._user_ids[-1]) self._last_user = new_last_user
[docs]class ServerAPI(object): """Base handler of connection to server. Requires url to server which is used as base for api and graphql calls. Login cause that a session is used Args: base_url (str): Example: http://localhost:5000 token (Optional[str]): Access token (api key) to server. site_id (Optional[str]): Unique name of site. Should be the same when connection is created from the same machine under same user. client_version (Optional[str]): Version of client application (used in desktop client application). default_settings_variant (Optional[Literal["production", "staging"]]): Settings variant used by default if a method for settings won't get any (by default is 'production'). sender (Optional[str]): Sender of requests. Used in server logs and propagated into events. ssl_verify (Union[bool, str, None]): Verify SSL certificate Looks for env variable value ``AYON_CA_FILE`` by default. If not available then 'True' is used. cert (Optional[str]): Path to certificate file. Looks for env variable value ``AYON_CERT_FILE`` by default. create_session (Optional[bool]): Create session for connection if token is available. Default is True. timeout (Optional[float]): Timeout for requests. max_retries (Optional[int]): Number of retries for requests. """ _default_max_retries = 3 # 1 MB chunk by default # TODO find out if these are reasonable default value default_download_chunk_size = 1024 * 1024 default_upload_chunk_size = 1024 * 1024 def __init__( self, base_url, token=None, site_id=NOT_SET, client_version=None, default_settings_variant=None, sender=None, ssl_verify=None, cert=None, create_session=True, timeout=None, max_retries=None, ): if not base_url: raise ValueError("Invalid server URL {}".format(str(base_url))) base_url = base_url.rstrip("/") self._base_url = base_url self._rest_url = "{}/api".format(base_url) self._graphql_url = "{}/graphql".format(base_url) self._log = None self._access_token = token # Allow to have 'site_id' to 'None' if site_id is NOT_SET: site_id = get_default_site_id() self._site_id = site_id self._client_version = client_version self._default_settings_variant = ( default_settings_variant or get_default_settings_variant() ) self._sender = sender self._timeout = None self._max_retries = None # Set timeout and max retries based on passed values self.set_timeout(timeout) self.set_max_retries(max_retries) if ssl_verify is None: # Custom AYON env variable for CA file or 'True' # - that should cover most default behaviors in 'requests' # with 'certifi' ssl_verify = os.environ.get("AYON_CA_FILE") or True if cert is None: cert = os.environ.get("AYON_CERT_FILE") self._ssl_verify = ssl_verify self._cert = cert self._access_token_is_service = None self._token_is_valid = None self._token_validation_started = False self._server_available = None self._server_version = None self._server_version_tuple = None self._graphql_allows_data_in_query = None self._session = None self._base_functions_mapping = { RequestTypes.get: requests.get,, RequestTypes.put: requests.put, RequestTypes.patch: requests.patch, RequestTypes.delete: requests.delete } self._session_functions_mapping = {} # Attributes cache self._attributes_schema = None self._entity_type_attributes_cache = {} self._as_user_stack = _AsUserStack() # Create session if self._access_token and create_session: self.validate_server_availability() self.create_session() @property def log(self): if self._log is None: self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) return self._log
[docs] def get_base_url(self): return self._base_url
[docs] def get_rest_url(self): return self._rest_url
base_url = property(get_base_url) rest_url = property(get_rest_url)
[docs] def get_ssl_verify(self): """Enable ssl verification. Returns: bool: Current state of ssl verification. """ return self._ssl_verify
[docs] def set_ssl_verify(self, ssl_verify): """Change ssl verification state. Args: ssl_verify (Union[bool, str, None]): Enabled/disable ssl verification, can be a path to file. """ if self._ssl_verify == ssl_verify: return self._ssl_verify = ssl_verify if self._session is not None: self._session.verify = ssl_verify
[docs] def get_cert(self): """Current cert file used for connection to server. Returns: Union[str, None]: Path to cert file. """ return self._cert
[docs] def set_cert(self, cert): """Change cert file used for connection to server. Args: cert (Union[str, None]): Path to cert file. """ if cert == self._cert: return self._cert = cert if self._session is not None: self._session.cert = cert
ssl_verify = property(get_ssl_verify, set_ssl_verify) cert = property(get_cert, set_cert)
[docs] @classmethod def get_default_timeout(cls): """Default value for requests timeout. Utils function 'get_default_timeout' is used by default. Returns: float: Timeout value in seconds. """ return get_default_timeout()
[docs] @classmethod def get_default_max_retries(cls): """Default value for requests max retries. First looks for environment variable SERVER_RETRIES_ENV_KEY, which can affect max retries value. If not available then use class attribute '_default_max_retries'. Returns: int: Max retries value. """ try: return int(os.environ.get(SERVER_RETRIES_ENV_KEY)) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return cls._default_max_retries
[docs] def get_timeout(self): """Current value for requests timeout. Returns: float: Timeout value in seconds. """ return self._timeout
[docs] def set_timeout(self, timeout): """Change timeout value for requests. Args: timeout (Union[float, None]): Timeout value in seconds. """ if timeout is None: timeout = self.get_default_timeout() self._timeout = float(timeout)
[docs] def get_max_retries(self): """Current value for requests max retries. Returns: int: Max retries value. """ return self._max_retries
[docs] def set_max_retries(self, max_retries): """Change max retries value for requests. Args: max_retries (Union[int, None]): Max retries value. """ if max_retries is None: max_retries = self.get_default_max_retries() self._max_retries = int(max_retries)
timeout = property(get_timeout, set_timeout) max_retries = property(get_max_retries, set_max_retries) @property def access_token(self): """Access token used for authorization to server. Returns: Union[str, None]: Token string or None if not authorized yet. """ return self._access_token
[docs] def is_service_user(self): """Check if connection is using service API key. Returns: bool: Used api key belongs to service user. """ if not self.has_valid_token: raise ValueError("User is not logged in.") return bool(self._access_token_is_service)
[docs] def get_site_id(self): """Site id used for connection. Site id tells server from which machine/site is connection created and is used for default site overrides when settings are received. Returns: Union[str, None]: Site id value or None if not filled. """ return self._site_id
[docs] def set_site_id(self, site_id): """Change site id of connection. Behave as specific site for server. It affects default behavior of settings getter methods. Args: site_id (Union[str, None]): Site id value, or 'None' to unset. """ if self._site_id == site_id: return self._site_id = site_id # Recreate session on machine id change self._update_session_headers()
site_id = property(get_site_id, set_site_id)
[docs] def get_client_version(self): """Version of client used to connect to server. Client version is AYON client build desktop application. Returns: str: Client version string used in connection. """ return self._client_version
[docs] def set_client_version(self, client_version): """Set version of client used to connect to server. Client version is AYON client build desktop application. Args: client_version (Union[str, None]): Client version string. """ if self._client_version == client_version: return self._client_version = client_version self._update_session_headers()
client_version = property(get_client_version, set_client_version)
[docs] def get_default_settings_variant(self): """Default variant used for settings. Returns: Union[str, None]: name of variant or None. """ return self._default_settings_variant
[docs] def set_default_settings_variant(self, variant): """Change default variant for addon settings. Note: It is recommended to set only 'production' or 'staging' variants as default variant. Args: variant (str): Settings variant name. It is possible to use 'production', 'staging' or name of dev bundle. """ self._default_settings_variant = variant
default_settings_variant = property( get_default_settings_variant, set_default_settings_variant )
[docs] def get_sender(self): """Sender used to send requests. Returns: Union[str, None]: Sender name or None. """ return self._sender
[docs] def set_sender(self, sender): """Change sender used for requests. Args: sender (Union[str, None]): Sender name or None. """ if sender == self._sender: return self._sender = sender self._update_session_headers()
sender = property(get_sender, set_sender)
[docs] def get_default_service_username(self): """Default username used for callbacks when used with service API key. Returns: Union[str, None]: Username if any was filled. """ return self._as_user_stack.get_default_username()
[docs] def set_default_service_username(self, username=None): """Service API will work as other user. Service API keys can work as other user. It can be temporary using context manager 'as_user' or it is possible to set default username if 'as_user' context manager is not entered. Args: username (Optional[str]): Username to work as when service. Raises: ValueError: When connection is not yet authenticated or api key is not service token. """ current_username = self._as_user_stack.get_default_username() if current_username == username: return if not self.has_valid_token: raise ValueError( "Authentication of connection did not happen yet." ) if not self._access_token_is_service: raise ValueError( "Can't set service username. API key is not a service token." ) self._as_user_stack.set_default_username(username) if self._as_user_stack.username == username: self._update_session_headers()
[docs] @contextmanager def as_username(self, username): """Service API will temporarily work as other user. This method can be used only if service API key is logged in. Args: username (Union[str, None]): Username to work as when service. Raises: ValueError: When connection is not yet authenticated or api key is not service token. """ if not self.has_valid_token: raise ValueError( "Authentication of connection did not happen yet." ) if not self._access_token_is_service: raise ValueError( "Can't set service username. API key is not a service token." ) with self._as_user_stack.as_user(username) as o: self._update_session_headers() try: yield o finally: self._update_session_headers()
@property def is_server_available(self): if self._server_available is None: response = requests.get( self._base_url, cert=self._cert, verify=self._ssl_verify ) self._server_available = response.status_code == 200 return self._server_available @property def has_valid_token(self): if self._access_token is None: return False if self._token_is_valid is None: self.validate_token() return self._token_is_valid
[docs] def validate_server_availability(self): if not self.is_server_available: raise ServerNotReached("Server \"{}\" can't be reached".format( self._base_url ))
[docs] def validate_token(self): try: self._token_validation_started = True # TODO add other possible validations # - existence of 'user' key in info # - validate that 'site_id' is in 'sites' in info self.get_info() self.get_user() self._token_is_valid = True except UnauthorizedError: self._token_is_valid = False finally: self._token_validation_started = False return self._token_is_valid
[docs] def set_token(self, token): self.reset_token() self._access_token = token self.get_user()
[docs] def reset_token(self): self._access_token = None self._token_is_valid = None self.close_session()
[docs] def create_session(self, ignore_existing=True, force=False): """Create a connection session. Session helps to keep connection with server without need to reconnect on each call. Args: ignore_existing (bool): If session already exists, ignore creation. force (bool): If session already exists, close it and create new. """ if force and self._session is not None: self.close_session() if self._session is not None: if ignore_existing: return raise ValueError("Session is already created.") self._as_user_stack.clear() # Validate token before session creation self.validate_token() session = requests.Session() session.cert = self._cert session.verify = self._ssl_verify session.headers.update(self.get_headers()) self._session_functions_mapping = { RequestTypes.get: session.get,, RequestTypes.put: session.put, RequestTypes.patch: session.patch, RequestTypes.delete: session.delete } self._session = session
[docs] def close_session(self): if self._session is None: return session = self._session self._session = None self._session_functions_mapping = {} session.close()
def _update_session_headers(self): if self._session is None: return # Header keys that may change over time for key, value in ( ("X-as-user", self._as_user_stack.username), ("x-ayon-version", self._client_version), ("x-ayon-site-id", self._site_id), ("x-sender", self._sender), ): if value is not None: self._session.headers[key] = value elif key in self._session.headers: self._session.headers.pop(key)
[docs] def get_info(self): """Get information about current used api key. By default, the 'info' contains only 'uptime' and 'version'. With logged user info also contains information about user and machines on which was logged in. Todos: Use this method for validation of token instead of 'get_user'. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Information from server. """ response = self.get("info") response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_server_version(self): """Get server version. Version should match semantic version ( Returns: str: Server version. """ if self._server_version is None: self._server_version = self.get_info()["version"] return self._server_version
[docs] def get_server_version_tuple(self): """Get server version as tuple. Version should match semantic version ( This function only returns first three numbers of version. Returns: Tuple[int, int, int, Union[str, None], Union[str, None]]: Server version. """ if self._server_version_tuple is None: re_match = VERSION_REGEX.fullmatch( self.get_server_version()) self._server_version_tuple = ( int("major")), int("minor")), int("patch")),"prerelease") or "","buildmetadata") or "", ) return self._server_version_tuple
server_version = property(get_server_version) server_version_tuple = property(get_server_version_tuple) @property def graphql_allows_data_in_query(self): """GraphQl query can support 'data' field. This applies only to project hierarchy entities 'project', 'folder', 'task', 'product', 'version' and 'representation'. Others like 'user' still require to use rest api to access 'data'. Returns: bool: True if server supports 'data' field in GraphQl query. """ if self._graphql_allows_data_in_query is None: major, minor, patch, _, _ = self.server_version_tuple graphql_allows_data_in_query = True if (major, minor, patch) < (0, 5, 5): graphql_allows_data_in_query = False self._graphql_allows_data_in_query = graphql_allows_data_in_query return self._graphql_allows_data_in_query def _get_user_info(self): if self._access_token is None: return None if self._access_token_is_service is not None: response = self.get("users/me") if response.status == 200: return return None self._access_token_is_service = False response = self.get("users/me") if response.status == 200: return self._access_token_is_service = True response = self.get("users/me") if response.status == 200: return self._access_token_is_service = None return None
[docs] def get_users(self, project_name=None, usernames=None, fields=None): """Get Users. Only administrators and managers can fetch all users. For other users it is required to pass in 'project_name' filter. Args: project_name (Optional[str]): Project name. usernames (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Filter by usernames. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for users. Returns: Generator[dict[str, Any]]: Queried users. """ filters = {} if usernames is not None: usernames = set(usernames) if not usernames: return filters["userNames"] = list(usernames) if project_name is not None: filters["projectName"] = project_name if not fields: fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("user") query = users_graphql_query(set(fields)) for attr, filter_value in filters.items(): query.set_variable_value(attr, filter_value) for parsed_data in query.continuous_query(self): for user in parsed_data["users"]: user["accessGroups"] = json.loads( user["accessGroups"]) yield user
[docs] def get_user_by_name(self, username, project_name=None, fields=None): """Get user by name using GraphQl. Only administrators and managers can fetch all users. For other users it is required to pass in 'project_name' filter. Args: username (str): Username. project_name (Optional[str]): Define scope of project. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for users. Returns: Union[dict[str, Any], None]: User info or None if user is not found. """ if not username: return None for user in self.get_users( project_name=project_name, usernames={username}, fields=fields, ): return user return None
[docs] def get_user(self, username=None): """Get user info using REST endpoit. Args: username (Optional[str]): Username. Returns: Union[dict[str, Any], None]: User info or None if user is not found. """ if username is None: output = self._get_user_info() if output is None: raise UnauthorizedError("User is not authorized.") return output response = self.get("users/{}".format(username)) response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_headers(self, content_type=None): if content_type is None: content_type = "application/json" headers = { "Content-Type": content_type, "x-ayon-platform": platform.system().lower(), "x-ayon-hostname": platform.node(), } if self._site_id is not None: headers["x-ayon-site-id"] = self._site_id if self._client_version is not None: headers["x-ayon-version"] = self._client_version if self._sender is not None: headers["x-sender"] = self._sender if self._access_token: if self._access_token_is_service: headers["X-Api-Key"] = self._access_token username = self._as_user_stack.username if username: headers["X-as-user"] = username else: headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer {}".format( self._access_token) return headers
[docs] def login(self, username, password, create_session=True): """Login to server. Args: username (str): Username. password (str): Password. create_session (Optional[bool]): Create session after login. Default: True. Raises: AuthenticationError: Login failed. """ if self.has_valid_token: try: user_info = self.get_user() except UnauthorizedError: user_info = {} current_username = user_info.get("name") if current_username == username: self.close_session() if create_session: self.create_session() return self.reset_token() self.validate_server_availability() self._token_validation_started = True try: response = "auth/login", name=username, password=password ) if response.status_code != 200: _detail ="detail") details = "" if _detail: details = " {}".format(_detail) raise AuthenticationError("Login failed {}".format(details)) finally: self._token_validation_started = False self._access_token = response["token"] if not self.has_valid_token: raise AuthenticationError("Invalid credentials") if create_session: self.create_session()
[docs] def logout(self, soft=False): if self._access_token: if not soft: self._logout() self.reset_token()
def _logout(self): logout_from_server(self._base_url, self._access_token) def _do_rest_request(self, function, url, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("timeout", self.timeout) max_retries = kwargs.get("max_retries", self.max_retries) if max_retries < 1: max_retries = 1 if self._session is None: # Validate token if was not yet validated # - ignore validation if we're in middle of # validation if ( self._token_is_valid is None and not self._token_validation_started ): self.validate_token() if "headers" not in kwargs: kwargs["headers"] = self.get_headers() if isinstance(function, RequestType): function = self._base_functions_mapping[function] elif isinstance(function, RequestType): function = self._session_functions_mapping[function] response = None new_response = None for retry_idx in reversed(range(max_retries)): try: response = function(url, **kwargs) break except ConnectionRefusedError: if retry_idx == 0: self.log.warning( "Connection error happened.", exc_info=True ) # Server may be restarting new_response = RestApiResponse( None, { "detail": ( "Unable to connect the server. Connection refused" ) } ) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: # Connection timed out new_response = RestApiResponse( None, {"detail": "Connection timed out."} ) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: # Log warning only on last attempt if retry_idx == 0: self.log.warning( "Connection error happened.", exc_info=True ) new_response = RestApiResponse( None, { "detail": ( "Unable to connect the server. Connection error" ) } ) time.sleep(0.1) if new_response is not None: return new_response content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type") if content_type == "application/json": try: new_response = RestApiResponse(response) except JSONDecodeError: new_response = RestApiResponse( None, { "detail": "The response is not a JSON: {}".format( response.text) } ) else: new_response = RestApiResponse(response) self.log.debug("Response {}".format(str(new_response))) return new_response
[docs] def raw_post(self, entrypoint, **kwargs): url = self._endpoint_to_url(entrypoint) self.log.debug("Executing [POST] {}".format(url)) return self._do_rest_request(, url, **kwargs )
[docs] def raw_put(self, entrypoint, **kwargs): url = self._endpoint_to_url(entrypoint) self.log.debug("Executing [PUT] {}".format(url)) return self._do_rest_request( RequestTypes.put, url, **kwargs )
[docs] def raw_patch(self, entrypoint, **kwargs): url = self._endpoint_to_url(entrypoint) self.log.debug("Executing [PATCH] {}".format(url)) return self._do_rest_request( RequestTypes.patch, url, **kwargs )
[docs] def raw_get(self, entrypoint, **kwargs): url = self._endpoint_to_url(entrypoint) self.log.debug("Executing [GET] {}".format(url)) return self._do_rest_request( RequestTypes.get, url, **kwargs )
[docs] def raw_delete(self, entrypoint, **kwargs): url = self._endpoint_to_url(entrypoint) self.log.debug("Executing [DELETE] {}".format(url)) return self._do_rest_request( RequestTypes.delete, url, **kwargs )
[docs] def post(self, entrypoint, **kwargs): return self.raw_post(entrypoint, json=kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, entrypoint, **kwargs): return self.raw_put(entrypoint, json=kwargs)
[docs] def patch(self, entrypoint, **kwargs): return self.raw_patch(entrypoint, json=kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, entrypoint, **kwargs): return self.raw_get(entrypoint, params=kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, entrypoint, **kwargs): return self.raw_delete(entrypoint, params=kwargs)
[docs] def get_event(self, event_id): """Query full event data by id. Events received using event server do not contain full information. To get the full event information is required to receive it explicitly. Args: event_id (str): Event id. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Full event data. """ response = self.get("events/{}".format(event_id)) response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_events( self, topics=None, event_ids=None, project_names=None, states=None, users=None, include_logs=None, has_children=None, newer_than=None, older_than=None, fields=None ): """Get events from server with filtering options. Notes: Not all event happen on a project. Args: topics (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Name of topics. event_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Event ids. project_names (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Project on which event happened. states (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Filtering by states. users (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Filtering by users who created/triggered an event. include_logs (Optional[bool]): Query also log events. has_children (Optional[bool]): Event is with/without children events. If 'None' then all events are returned, default. newer_than (Optional[str]): Return only events newer than given iso datetime string. older_than (Optional[str]): Return only events older than given iso datetime string. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be received for each event. Returns: Generator[dict[str, Any]]: Available events matching filters. """ filters = {} if not _prepare_list_filters( filters, ("eventTopics", topics), ("eventIds", event_ids), ("projectNames", project_names), ("eventStates", states), ("eventUsers", users), ): return if include_logs is None: include_logs = False for filter_key, filter_value in ( ("includeLogsFilter", include_logs), ("hasChildrenFilter", has_children), ("newerThanFilter", newer_than), ("olderThanFilter", older_than), ): if filter_value is not None: filters[filter_key] = filter_value if not fields: fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("event") query = events_graphql_query(set(fields)) for attr, filter_value in filters.items(): query.set_variable_value(attr, filter_value) for parsed_data in query.continuous_query(self): for event in parsed_data["events"]: yield event
[docs] def update_event( self, event_id, sender=None, project_name=None, username=None, status=None, description=None, summary=None, payload=None, progress=None, retries=None ): """Update event data. Args: event_id (str): Event id. sender (Optional[str]): New sender of event. project_name (Optional[str]): New project name. username (Optional[str]): New username. status (Optional[str]): New event status. Enum: "pending", "in_progress", "finished", "failed", "aborted", "restarted" description (Optional[str]): New description. summary (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New summary. payload (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New payload. progress (Optional[int]): New progress. Range [0-100]. retries (Optional[int]): New retries. """ kwargs = { key: value for key, value in ( ("sender", sender), ("project", project_name), ("user", username), ("status", status), ("description", description), ("summary", summary), ("payload", payload), ("progress", progress), ("retries", retries), ) if value is not None } # 'progress' and 'retries' are available since 0.5.x server version major, minor, _, _, _ = self.server_version_tuple if (major, minor) < (0, 5): args = [] if progress is not None: args.append("progress") if retries is not None: args.append("retries") fields = ", ".join("'{}'".format(f) for f in args) ending = "s" if len(args) > 1 else "" raise ValueError(( "Your server version '{}' does not support update" " of {} field{} on event. The fields are supported since" " server version '0.5'." ).format(self.get_server_version(), fields, ending)) response = self.patch( "events/{}".format(event_id), **kwargs ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def dispatch_event( self, topic, sender=None, event_hash=None, project_name=None, username=None, depends_on=None, description=None, summary=None, payload=None, finished=True, store=True, dependencies=None, ): """Dispatch event to server. Args: topic (str): Event topic used for filtering of listeners. sender (Optional[str]): Sender of event. event_hash (Optional[str]): Event hash. project_name (Optional[str]): Project name. depends_on (Optional[str]): Add dependency to another event. username (Optional[str]): Username which triggered event. description (Optional[str]): Description of event. summary (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Summary of event that can be used for simple filtering on listeners. payload (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Full payload of event data with all details. finished (Optional[bool]): Mark event as finished on dispatch. store (Optional[bool]): Store event in event queue for possible future processing otherwise is event send only to active listeners. dependencies (Optional[list[str]]): Deprecated. List of event id dependencies. Returns: RestApiResponse: Response from server. """ if summary is None: summary = {} if payload is None: payload = {} event_data = { "topic": topic, "sender": sender, "hash": event_hash, "project": project_name, "user": username, "description": description, "summary": summary, "payload": payload, "finished": finished, "store": store, } if depends_on: event_data["dependsOn"] = depends_on if dependencies: warnings.warn( ( "Used deprecated argument 'dependencies' in" " 'dispatch_event'. Use 'depends_on' instead." ), DeprecationWarning ) response ="events", **event_data) response.raise_for_status() return response
[docs] def enroll_event_job( self, source_topic, target_topic, sender, description=None, sequential=None, events_filter=None, max_retries=None, ): """Enroll job based on events. Enroll will find first unprocessed event with 'source_topic' and will create new event with 'target_topic' for it and return the new event data. Use 'sequential' to control that only single target event is created at same time. Creation of new target events is blocked while there is at least one unfinished event with target topic, when set to 'True'. This helps when order of events matter and more than one process using the same target is running at the same time. Make sure the new event has updated status to '"finished"' status when you're done with logic Target topic should not clash with other processes/services. Created target event have 'dependsOn' key where is id of source topic. Use-case: - Service 1 is creating events with topic 'my.leech' - Service 2 process 'my.leech' and uses target topic 'my.process' - this service can run on 1-n machines - all events must be processed in a sequence by their creation time and only one event can be processed at a time - in this case 'sequential' should be set to 'True' so only one machine is actually processing events, but if one goes down there are other that can take place - Service 3 process 'my.leech' and uses target topic '' - this service can run on 1-n machines - order of events is not important - 'sequential' should be 'False' Args: source_topic (str): Source topic to enroll. target_topic (str): Topic of dependent event. sender (str): Identifier of sender (e.g. service name or username). description (Optional[str]): Human readable text shown in target event. sequential (Optional[bool]): The source topic must be processed in sequence. events_filter (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Filtering conditions to filter the source event. For more technical specifications look to server backed 'ayon_server.sqlfilter.Filter'. TODO: Add example of filters. max_retries (Optional[int]): How many times can be event retried. Default value is based on server (3 at the time of this PR). Returns: Union[None, dict[str, Any]]: None if there is no event matching filters. Created event with 'target_topic'. """ kwargs = { "sourceTopic": source_topic, "targetTopic": target_topic, "sender": sender, } if max_retries is not None: kwargs["maxRetries"] = max_retries if sequential is not None: kwargs["sequential"] = sequential if description is not None: kwargs["description"] = description if events_filter is not None: kwargs["filter"] = events_filter response ="enroll", **kwargs) if response.status_code == 204: return None if response.status_code == 503: # Server is busy"Server is busy. Can't enroll event now.") return None if response.status_code >= 400: self.log.error(response.text) return None return
def _endpoint_to_url( self, endpoint: str, use_rest: Optional[bool] = True ): """Cleanup endpoint and return full url to AYON server. If endpoint already starts with server url only slashes are removed. Args: endpoint (str): Endpoint to be cleaned. use_rest (Optional[bool]): Use only base server url if set to False, otherwise REST endpoint is used. Returns: str: Full url to AYON server. """ endpoint = endpoint.lstrip("/").rstrip("/") if endpoint.startswith(self._base_url): return endpoint base_url = self._rest_url if use_rest else self._graphql_url return f"{base_url}/{endpoint}" def _download_file_to_stream(self, url, stream, chunk_size, progress): kwargs = {"stream": True} if self._session is None: kwargs["headers"] = self.get_headers() get_func = self._base_functions_mapping[RequestTypes.get] else: get_func = self._session_functions_mapping[RequestTypes.get] with get_func(url, **kwargs) as response: response.raise_for_status() progress.set_content_size(response.headers["Content-length"]) for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): stream.write(chunk) progress.add_transferred_chunk(len(chunk))
[docs] def download_file_to_stream( self, endpoint, stream, chunk_size=None, progress=None ): """Download file from AYON server to IOStream. Endpoint can be full url (must start with 'base_url' of api object). Progress object can be used to track download. Can be used when download happens in thread and other thread want to catch changes over time. Todos: Use retries and timeout. Return RestApiResponse. Args: endpoint (str): Endpoint or URL to file that should be downloaded. stream (Union[io.BytesIO, BinaryIO]): Stream where output will be stored. chunk_size (Optional[int]): Size of chunks that are received in single loop. progress (Optional[TransferProgress]): Object that gives ability to track download progress. """ if not chunk_size: chunk_size = self.default_download_chunk_size if endpoint.startswith(self._base_url): url = endpoint url = self._endpoint_to_url(endpoint) if progress is None: progress = TransferProgress() progress.set_source_url(url) progress.set_started() try: self._download_file_to_stream( url, stream, chunk_size, progress ) except Exception as exc: progress.set_failed(str(exc)) raise finally: progress.set_transfer_done() return progress
[docs] def download_file( self, endpoint, filepath, chunk_size=None, progress=None ): """Download file from AYON server. Endpoint can be full url (must start with 'base_url' of api object). Progress object can be used to track download. Can be used when download happens in thread and other thread want to catch changes over time. Todos: Use retries and timeout. Return RestApiResponse. Args: endpoint (str): Endpoint or URL to file that should be downloaded. filepath (str): Path where file will be downloaded. chunk_size (Optional[int]): Size of chunks that are received in single loop. progress (Optional[TransferProgress]): Object that gives ability to track download progress. """ # Create dummy object so the function does not have to check # 'progress' variable everywhere if progress is None: progress = TransferProgress() progress.set_destination_url(filepath) dst_directory = os.path.dirname(filepath) os.makedirs(dst_directory, exist_ok=True) try: with open(filepath, "wb") as stream: self.download_file_to_stream( endpoint, stream, chunk_size, progress ) except Exception as exc: progress.set_failed(str(exc)) raise return progress
@staticmethod def _upload_chunks_iter(file_stream, progress, chunk_size): """Generator that yields chunks of file. Args: file_stream (Union[io.BytesIO, BinaryIO]): Byte stream. progress (TransferProgress): Object to track upload progress. chunk_size (int): Size of chunks that are uploaded at once. Yields: bytes: Chunk of file. """ # Get size of file, io.SEEK_END) size = file_stream.tell() # Set content size to progress object progress.set_content_size(size) while True: chunk = if not chunk: break progress.add_transferred_chunk(len(chunk)) yield chunk def _upload_file( self, url, stream, progress, request_type=None, chunk_size=None, **kwargs ): """Upload file to server. Args: url (str): Url where file will be uploaded. stream (Union[io.BytesIO, BinaryIO]): File stream. progress (TransferProgress): Object that gives ability to track progress. request_type (Optional[RequestType]): Type of request that will be used. Default is PUT. chunk_size (Optional[int]): Size of chunks that are uploaded at once. **kwargs (Any): Additional arguments that will be passed to request function. Returns: RestApiResponse: Server response. """ if request_type is None: request_type = RequestTypes.put if self._session is None: headers = kwargs.setdefault("headers", {}) for key, value in self.get_headers().items(): if key not in headers: headers[key] = value post_func = self._base_functions_mapping[request_type] else: post_func = self._session_functions_mapping[request_type] if not chunk_size: chunk_size = self.default_upload_chunk_size response = post_func( url, data=self._upload_chunks_iter(stream, progress, chunk_size), **kwargs ) response.raise_for_status() return response
[docs] def upload_file_from_stream( self, endpoint, stream, progress, request_type, **kwargs ): """Upload file to server from bytes. Todos: Use retries and timeout. Return RestApiResponse. Args: endpoint (str): Endpoint or url where file will be uploaded. stream (Union[io.BytesIO, BinaryIO]): File content stream. progress (Optional[TransferProgress]): Object that gives ability to track upload progress. request_type (Optional[RequestType]): Type of request that will be used to upload file. **kwargs (Any): Additional arguments that will be passed to request function. Returns: requests.Response: Response object """ url = self._endpoint_to_url(endpoint) # Create dummy object so the function does not have to check # 'progress' variable everywhere if progress is None: progress = TransferProgress() progress.set_destination_url(url) progress.set_started() try: return self._upload_file( url, stream, progress, request_type, **kwargs ) except Exception as exc: progress.set_failed(str(exc)) raise finally: progress.set_transfer_done()
[docs] def upload_file( self, endpoint, filepath, progress=None, request_type=None, **kwargs ): """Upload file to server. Todos: Use retries and timeout. Return RestApiResponse. Args: endpoint (str): Endpoint or url where file will be uploaded. filepath (str): Source filepath. progress (Optional[TransferProgress]): Object that gives ability to track upload progress. request_type (Optional[RequestType]): Type of request that will be used to upload file. **kwargs (Any): Additional arguments that will be passed to request function. Returns: requests.Response: Response object """ if progress is None: progress = TransferProgress() progress.set_source_url(filepath) with open(filepath, "rb") as stream: return self.upload_file_from_stream( endpoint, stream, progress, request_type, **kwargs )
[docs] def upload_reviewable( self, project_name, version_id, filepath, label=None, content_type=None, filename=None, progress=None, headers=None, **kwargs ): """Upload reviewable file to server. Args: project_name (str): Project name. version_id (str): Version id. filepath (str): Reviewable file path to upload. label (Optional[str]): Reviewable label. Filled automatically server side with filename. content_type (Optional[str]): MIME type of the file. filename (Optional[str]): User as original filename. Filename from 'filepath' is used when not filled. progress (Optional[TransferProgress]): Progress. headers (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Headers. Returns: RestApiResponse: Server response. """ if not content_type: content_type = get_media_mime_type(filepath) if not content_type: raise ValueError( f"Could not determine MIME type of file '{filepath}'" ) if headers is None: headers = self.get_headers(content_type) else: # Make sure content-type is filled with file content type content_type_key = next( ( key for key in headers if key.lower() == "content-type" ), "Content-Type" ) headers[content_type_key] = content_type # Fill original filename if not explicitly defined if not filename: filename = os.path.basename(filepath) headers["x-file-name"] = filename query = f"?label={label}" if label else "" endpoint = ( f"/projects/{project_name}" f"/versions/{version_id}/reviewables{query}" ) return self.upload_file( endpoint, filepath, progress=progress, headers=headers,, **kwargs )
[docs] def trigger_server_restart(self): """Trigger server restart. Restart may be required when a change of specific value happened on server. """ result ="system/restart") if result.status_code != 204: # TODO add better exception raise ValueError("Failed to restart server")
[docs] def query_graphql(self, query, variables=None): """Execute GraphQl query. Args: query (str): GraphQl query string. variables (Optional[dict[str, Any]): Variables that can be used in query. Returns: GraphQlResponse: Response from server. """ data = {"query": query, "variables": variables or {}} response = self._do_rest_request(, self._graphql_url, json=data ) response.raise_for_status() return GraphQlResponse(response)
[docs] def get_graphql_schema(self): return self.query_graphql(INTROSPECTION_QUERY).data
[docs] def get_server_schema(self): """Get server schema with info, url paths, components etc. Todos: Cache schema - How to find out it is outdated? Returns: dict[str, Any]: Full server schema. """ url = "{}/openapi.json".format(self._base_url) response = self._do_rest_request(RequestTypes.get, url) if response: return return None
[docs] def get_schemas(self): """Get components schema. Name of components does not match entity type names e.g. 'project' is under 'ProjectModel'. We should find out some mapping. Also, there are properties which don't have information about reference to object e.g. 'config' has just object definition without reference schema. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Component schemas. """ server_schema = self.get_server_schema() return server_schema["components"]["schemas"]
[docs] def get_attributes_schema(self, use_cache=True): if not use_cache: self.reset_attributes_schema() if self._attributes_schema is None: result = self.get("attributes") result.raise_for_status() self._attributes_schema = return copy.deepcopy(self._attributes_schema)
[docs] def reset_attributes_schema(self): self._attributes_schema = None self._entity_type_attributes_cache = {}
[docs] def set_attribute_config( self, attribute_name, data, scope, position=None, builtin=False ): if position is None: attributes = self.get("attributes").data["attributes"] origin_attr = next( ( attr for attr in attributes if attr["name"] == attribute_name ), None ) if origin_attr: position = origin_attr["position"] else: position = len(attributes) response = self.put( "attributes/{}".format(attribute_name), data=data, scope=scope, position=position, builtin=builtin ) if response.status_code != 204: # TODO raise different exception raise ValueError( "Attribute \"{}\" was not created/updated. {}".format( attribute_name, response.detail ) ) self.reset_attributes_schema()
[docs] def remove_attribute_config(self, attribute_name): """Remove attribute from server. This can't be un-done, please use carefully. Args: attribute_name (str): Name of attribute to remove. """ response = self.delete("attributes/{}".format(attribute_name)) response.raise_for_status( "Attribute \"{}\" was not created/updated. {}".format( attribute_name, response.detail ) ) self.reset_attributes_schema()
[docs] def get_attributes_for_type(self, entity_type): """Get attribute schemas available for an entity type. Example:: ``` # Example attribute schema { # Common "type": "integer", "title": "Clip Out", "description": null, "example": 1, "default": 1, # These can be filled based on value of 'type' "gt": null, "ge": null, "lt": null, "le": null, "minLength": null, "maxLength": null, "minItems": null, "maxItems": null, "regex": null, "enum": null } ``` Args: entity_type (str): Entity type for which should be attributes received. Returns: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: Attribute schemas that are available for entered entity type. """ attributes = self._entity_type_attributes_cache.get(entity_type) if attributes is None: attributes_schema = self.get_attributes_schema() attributes = {} for attr in attributes_schema["attributes"]: if entity_type not in attr["scope"]: continue attr_name = attr["name"] attributes[attr_name] = attr["data"] self._entity_type_attributes_cache[entity_type] = attributes return copy.deepcopy(attributes)
[docs] def get_attributes_fields_for_type(self, entity_type): """Prepare attribute fields for entity type. Returns: set[str]: Attributes fields for entity type. """ attributes = self.get_attributes_for_type(entity_type) return { "attrib.{}".format(attr) for attr in attributes }
[docs] def get_default_fields_for_type(self, entity_type): """Default fields for entity type. Returns most of commonly used fields from server. Args: entity_type (str): Name of entity type. Returns: set[str]: Fields that should be queried from server. """ # Event does not have attributes if entity_type == "event": return set(DEFAULT_EVENT_FIELDS) if entity_type == "project": entity_type_defaults = set(DEFAULT_PROJECT_FIELDS) if not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: entity_type_defaults.discard("data") elif entity_type == "folder": entity_type_defaults = set(DEFAULT_FOLDER_FIELDS) if not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: entity_type_defaults.discard("data") elif entity_type == "task": entity_type_defaults = set(DEFAULT_TASK_FIELDS) if not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: entity_type_defaults.discard("data") elif entity_type == "product": entity_type_defaults = set(DEFAULT_PRODUCT_FIELDS) if not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: entity_type_defaults.discard("data") elif entity_type == "version": entity_type_defaults = set(DEFAULT_VERSION_FIELDS) if not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: entity_type_defaults.discard("data") elif entity_type == "representation": entity_type_defaults = ( DEFAULT_REPRESENTATION_FIELDS | REPRESENTATION_FILES_FIELDS ) if not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: entity_type_defaults.discard("data") elif entity_type == "folderType": entity_type_defaults = set(DEFAULT_FOLDER_TYPE_FIELDS) elif entity_type == "taskType": entity_type_defaults = set(DEFAULT_TASK_TYPE_FIELDS) elif entity_type == "productType": entity_type_defaults = set(DEFAULT_PRODUCT_TYPE_FIELDS) elif entity_type == "workfile": entity_type_defaults = set(DEFAULT_WORKFILE_INFO_FIELDS) if not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: entity_type_defaults.discard("data") elif entity_type == "user": entity_type_defaults = set(DEFAULT_USER_FIELDS) else: raise ValueError("Unknown entity type \"{}\"".format(entity_type)) return ( entity_type_defaults | self.get_attributes_fields_for_type(entity_type) )
[docs] def get_addons_info(self, details=True): """Get information about addons available on server. Args: details (Optional[bool]): Detailed data with information how to get client code. """ endpoint = "addons" if details: endpoint += "?details=1" response = self.get(endpoint) response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_addon_endpoint(self, addon_name, addon_version, *subpaths): """Calculate endpoint to addon route. Examples: >>> api = ServerAPI("") >>> api.get_addon_url( ... "example", "1.0.0", "private", "") 'addons/example/1.0.0/private/' Args: addon_name (str): Name of addon. addon_version (str): Version of addon. *subpaths (str): Any amount of subpaths that are added to addon url. Returns: str: Final url. """ ending = "" if subpaths: ending = "/{}".format("/".join(subpaths)) return "addons/{}/{}{}".format( addon_name, addon_version, ending )
[docs] def get_addon_url( self, addon_name, addon_version, *subpaths, use_rest=True ): """Calculate url to addon route. Examples: >>> api = ServerAPI("") >>> api.get_addon_url( ... "example", "1.0.0", "private", "") '' Args: addon_name (str): Name of addon. addon_version (str): Version of addon. *subpaths (str): Any amount of subpaths that are added to addon url. use_rest (Optional[bool]): Use rest endpoint. Returns: str: Final url. """ endpoint = self.get_addon_endpoint( addon_name, addon_version, *subpaths ) url_base = self._base_url if use_rest else self._rest_url return f"{url_base}/{endpoint}"
[docs] def download_addon_private_file( self, addon_name, addon_version, filename, destination_dir, destination_filename=None, chunk_size=None, progress=None, ): """Download a file from addon private files. This method requires to have authorized token available. Private files are not under '/api' restpoint. Args: addon_name (str): Addon name. addon_version (str): Addon version. filename (str): Filename in private folder on server. destination_dir (str): Where the file should be downloaded. destination_filename (Optional[str]): Name of destination filename. Source filename is used if not passed. chunk_size (Optional[int]): Download chunk size. progress (Optional[TransferProgress]): Object that gives ability to track download progress. Returns: str: Filepath to downloaded file. """ if not destination_filename: destination_filename = filename dst_filepath = os.path.join(destination_dir, destination_filename) # Filename can contain "subfolders" dst_dirpath = os.path.dirname(dst_filepath) os.makedirs(dst_dirpath, exist_ok=True) endpoint = self.get_addon_endpoint( addon_name, addon_version, "private", filename ) url = f"{self._base_url}/{endpoint}" self.download_file( url, dst_filepath, chunk_size=chunk_size, progress=progress ) return dst_filepath
[docs] def get_installers(self, version=None, platform_name=None): """Information about desktop application installers on server. Desktop application installers are helpers to download/update AYON desktop application for artists. Args: version (Optional[str]): Filter installers by version. platform_name (Optional[str]): Filter installers by platform name. Returns: list[dict[str, Any]]: """ query_fields = [ "{}={}".format(key, value) for key, value in ( ("version", version), ("platform", platform_name), ) if value ] query = "" if query_fields: query = "?{}".format(",".join(query_fields)) response = self.get("desktop/installers{}".format(query)) response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def create_installer( self, filename, version, python_version, platform_name, python_modules, runtime_python_modules, checksum, checksum_algorithm, file_size, sources=None, ): """Create new installer information on server. This step will create only metadata. Make sure to upload installer to the server using 'upload_installer' method. Runtime python modules are modules that are required to run AYON desktop application, but are not added to PYTHONPATH for any subprocess. Args: filename (str): Installer filename. version (str): Version of installer. python_version (str): Version of Python. platform_name (str): Name of platform. python_modules (dict[str, str]): Python modules that are available in installer. runtime_python_modules (dict[str, str]): Runtime python modules that are available in installer. checksum (str): Installer file checksum. checksum_algorithm (str): Type of checksum used to create checksum. file_size (int): File size. sources (Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]]): List of sources that can be used to download file. """ body = { "filename": filename, "version": version, "pythonVersion": python_version, "platform": platform_name, "pythonModules": python_modules, "runtimePythonModules": runtime_python_modules, "checksum": checksum, "checksumAlgorithm": checksum_algorithm, "size": file_size, } if sources: body["sources"] = sources response ="desktop/installers", **body) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def update_installer(self, filename, sources): """Update installer information on server. Args: filename (str): Installer filename. sources (list[dict[str, Any]]): List of sources that can be used to download file. Fully replaces existing sources. """ response = self.patch( "desktop/installers/{}".format(filename), sources=sources ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def delete_installer(self, filename): """Delete installer from server. Args: filename (str): Installer filename. """ response = self.delete("desktop/installers/{}".format(filename)) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def download_installer( self, filename, dst_filepath, chunk_size=None, progress=None ): """Download installer file from server. Args: filename (str): Installer filename. dst_filepath (str): Destination filepath. chunk_size (Optional[int]): Download chunk size. progress (Optional[TransferProgress]): Object that gives ability to track download progress. """ self.download_file( "desktop/installers/{}".format(filename), dst_filepath, chunk_size=chunk_size, progress=progress )
[docs] def upload_installer(self, src_filepath, dst_filename, progress=None): """Upload installer file to server. Args: src_filepath (str): Source filepath. dst_filename (str): Destination filename. progress (Optional[TransferProgress]): Object that gives ability to track download progress. Returns: requests.Response: Response object. """ return self.upload_file( "desktop/installers/{}".format(dst_filename), src_filepath, progress=progress )
def _get_dependency_package_route(self, filename=None): endpoint = "desktop/dependencyPackages" if filename: return "{}/{}".format(endpoint, filename) return endpoint
[docs] def get_dependency_packages(self): """Information about dependency packages on server. To download dependency package, use 'download_dependency_package' method and pass in 'filename'. Example data structure:: { "packages": [ { "filename": str, "platform": str, "checksum": str, "checksumAlgorithm": str, "size": int, "sources": list[dict[str, Any]], "supportedAddons": dict[str, str], "pythonModules": dict[str, str] } ] } Returns: dict[str, Any]: Information about dependency packages known for server. """ endpoint = self._get_dependency_package_route() result = self.get(endpoint) result.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def create_dependency_package( self, filename, python_modules, source_addons, installer_version, checksum, checksum_algorithm, file_size, sources=None, platform_name=None, ): """Create dependency package on server. The package will be created on a server, it is also required to upload the package archive file (using :meth:`upload_dependency_package`). Args: filename (str): Filename of dependency package. python_modules (dict[str, str]): Python modules in dependency package:: {"<module name>": "<module version>", ...} source_addons (dict[str, str]): Name of addons for which is dependency package created:: {"<addon name>": "<addon version>", ...} installer_version (str): Version of installer for which was package created. checksum (str): Checksum of archive file where dependencies are. checksum_algorithm (str): Algorithm used to calculate checksum. file_size (Optional[int]): Size of file. sources (Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]]): Information about sources from where it is possible to get file. platform_name (Optional[str]): Name of platform for which is dependency package targeted. Default value is current platform. """ post_body = { "filename": filename, "pythonModules": python_modules, "sourceAddons": source_addons, "installerVersion": installer_version, "checksum": checksum, "checksumAlgorithm": checksum_algorithm, "size": file_size, "platform": platform_name or platform.system().lower(), } if sources: post_body["sources"] = sources route = self._get_dependency_package_route() response =, **post_body) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def update_dependency_package(self, filename, sources): """Update dependency package metadata on server. Args: filename (str): Filename of dependency package. sources (list[dict[str, Any]]): Information about sources from where it is possible to get file. Fully replaces existing sources. """ response = self.patch( self._get_dependency_package_route(filename), sources=sources ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def delete_dependency_package(self, filename, platform_name=None): """Remove dependency package for specific platform. Args: filename (str): Filename of dependency package. platform_name (Optional[str]): Deprecated. """ if platform_name is not None: warnings.warn( ( "Argument 'platform_name' is deprecated in" " 'delete_dependency_package'. The argument will be" " removed, please modify your code accordingly." ), DeprecationWarning ) route = self._get_dependency_package_route(filename) response = self.delete(route) response.raise_for_status("Failed to delete dependency file") return
[docs] def download_dependency_package( self, src_filename, dst_directory, dst_filename, platform_name=None, chunk_size=None, progress=None, ): """Download dependency package from server. This method requires to have authorized token available. The package is only downloaded. Args: src_filename (str): Filename of dependency pacakge. For server version 0.2.0 and lower it is name of package to download. dst_directory (str): Where the file should be downloaded. dst_filename (str): Name of destination filename. platform_name (Optional[str]): Deprecated. chunk_size (Optional[int]): Download chunk size. progress (Optional[TransferProgress]): Object that gives ability to track download progress. Returns: str: Filepath to downloaded file. """ if platform_name is not None: warnings.warn( ( "Argument 'platform_name' is deprecated in" " 'download_dependency_package'. The argument will be" " removed, please modify your code accordingly." ), DeprecationWarning ) route = self._get_dependency_package_route(src_filename) package_filepath = os.path.join(dst_directory, dst_filename) self.download_file( route, package_filepath, chunk_size=chunk_size, progress=progress ) return package_filepath
[docs] def upload_dependency_package( self, src_filepath, dst_filename, platform_name=None, progress=None ): """Upload dependency package to server. Args: src_filepath (str): Path to a package file. dst_filename (str): Dependency package filename or name of package for server version 0.2.0 or lower. Must be unique. platform_name (Optional[str]): Deprecated. progress (Optional[TransferProgress]): Object to keep track about upload state. """ if platform_name is not None: warnings.warn( ( "Argument 'platform_name' is deprecated in" " 'upload_dependency_package'. The argument will be" " removed, please modify your code accordingly." ), DeprecationWarning ) route = self._get_dependency_package_route(dst_filename) self.upload_file(route, src_filepath, progress=progress)
[docs] def upload_addon_zip(self, src_filepath, progress=None): """Upload addon zip file to server. File is validated on server. If it is valid, it is installed. It will create an event job which can be tracked (tracking part is not implemented yet). Example output:: {'eventId': 'a1bfbdee27c611eea7580242ac120003'} Args: src_filepath (str): Path to a zip file. progress (Optional[TransferProgress]): Object to keep track about upload state. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Response data from server. """ response = self.upload_file( "addons/install", src_filepath, progress=progress,, ) return response.json()
[docs] def get_bundles(self): """Server bundles with basic information. This is example output:: { "bundles": [ { "name": "my_bundle", "createdAt": "2023-06-12T15:37:02.420260", "installerVersion": "1.0.0", "addons": { "core": "1.2.3" }, "dependencyPackages": { "windows": "", "linux": "", "darwin": "" }, "isProduction": False, "isStaging": False } ], "productionBundle": "my_bundle", "stagingBundle": "test_bundle" } Returns: dict[str, Any]: Server bundles with basic information. """ response = self.get("bundles") response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def create_bundle( self, name, addon_versions, installer_version, dependency_packages=None, is_production=None, is_staging=None, is_dev=None, dev_active_user=None, dev_addons_config=None, ): """Create bundle on server. Bundle cannot be changed once is created. Only isProduction, isStaging and dependency packages can change after creation. In case dev bundle is created, it is possible to change anything, but it is not possible to mark bundle as dev and production or staging at the same time. Development addon config can define custom path to client code. It is used only for dev bundles. Example of 'dev_addons_config':: ```json { "core": { "enabled": true, "path": "/path/to/ayon-core/client" } } ``` Args: name (str): Name of bundle. addon_versions (dict[str, str]): Addon versions. installer_version (Union[str, None]): Installer version. dependency_packages (Optional[dict[str, str]]): Dependency package names. Keys are platform names and values are name of packages. is_production (Optional[bool]): Bundle will be marked as production. is_staging (Optional[bool]): Bundle will be marked as staging. is_dev (Optional[bool]): Bundle will be marked as dev. dev_active_user (Optional[str]): Username that will be assigned to dev bundle. Can be used only if 'is_dev' is set to 'True'. dev_addons_config (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Configuration for dev addons. Can be used only if 'is_dev' is set to 'True'. """ body = { "name": name, "installerVersion": installer_version, "addons": addon_versions, } for key, value in ( ("dependencyPackages", dependency_packages), ("isProduction", is_production), ("isStaging", is_staging), ("isDev", is_dev), ("activeUser", dev_active_user), ("addonDevelopment", dev_addons_config), ): if value is not None: body[key] = value response ="bundles", **body) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def update_bundle( self, bundle_name, addon_versions=None, installer_version=None, dependency_packages=None, is_production=None, is_staging=None, is_dev=None, dev_active_user=None, dev_addons_config=None, ): """Update bundle on server. Dependency packages can be update only for single platform. Others will be left untouched. Use 'None' value to unset dependency package from bundle. Args: bundle_name (str): Name of bundle. addon_versions (Optional[dict[str, str]]): Addon versions, possible only for dev bundles. installer_version (Optional[str]): Installer version, possible only for dev bundles. dependency_packages (Optional[dict[str, str]]): Dependency pacakge names that should be used with the bundle. is_production (Optional[bool]): Bundle will be marked as production. is_staging (Optional[bool]): Bundle will be marked as staging. is_dev (Optional[bool]): Bundle will be marked as dev. dev_active_user (Optional[str]): Username that will be assigned to dev bundle. Can be used only for dev bundles. dev_addons_config (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Configuration for dev addons. Can be used only for dev bundles. """ body = { key: value for key, value in ( ("installerVersion", installer_version), ("addons", addon_versions), ("dependencyPackages", dependency_packages), ("isProduction", is_production), ("isStaging", is_staging), ("isDev", is_dev), ("activeUser", dev_active_user), ("addonDevelopment", dev_addons_config), ) if value is not None } response = self.patch( "{}/{}".format("bundles", bundle_name), **body ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def check_bundle_compatibility( self, name, addon_versions, installer_version, dependency_packages=None, is_production=None, is_staging=None, is_dev=None, dev_active_user=None, dev_addons_config=None, ): """Check bundle compatibility. Can be used as per-flight validation before creating bundle. Args: name (str): Name of bundle. addon_versions (dict[str, str]): Addon versions. installer_version (Union[str, None]): Installer version. dependency_packages (Optional[dict[str, str]]): Dependency package names. Keys are platform names and values are name of packages. is_production (Optional[bool]): Bundle will be marked as production. is_staging (Optional[bool]): Bundle will be marked as staging. is_dev (Optional[bool]): Bundle will be marked as dev. dev_active_user (Optional[str]): Username that will be assigned to dev bundle. Can be used only if 'is_dev' is set to 'True'. dev_addons_config (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Configuration for dev addons. Can be used only if 'is_dev' is set to 'True'. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Server response, with 'success' and 'issues'. """ body = { "name": name, "installerVersion": installer_version, "addons": addon_versions, } for key, value in ( ("dependencyPackages", dependency_packages), ("isProduction", is_production), ("isStaging", is_staging), ("isDev", is_dev), ("activeUser", dev_active_user), ("addonDevelopment", dev_addons_config), ): if value is not None: body[key] = value response ="bundles/check", **body) response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def delete_bundle(self, bundle_name): """Delete bundle from server. Args: bundle_name (str): Name of bundle to delete. """ response = self.delete( "{}/{}".format("bundles", bundle_name) ) response.raise_for_status()
# Anatomy presets
[docs] def get_project_anatomy_presets(self): """Anatomy presets available on server. Content has basic information about presets. Example output:: [ { "name": "netflix_VFX", "primary": false, "version": "1.0.0" }, { ... }, ... ] Returns: list[dict[str, str]]: Anatomy presets available on server. """ result = self.get("anatomy/presets") result.raise_for_status() return"presets") or []
[docs] def get_default_anatomy_preset_name(self): """Name of default anatomy preset. Primary preset is used as default preset. But when primary preset is not set a built-in is used instead. Built-in preset is named '_'. Returns: str: Name of preset that can be used by 'get_project_anatomy_preset'. """ for preset in self.get_project_anatomy_presets(): if preset.get("primary"): return preset["name"] return "_"
[docs] def get_project_anatomy_preset(self, preset_name=None): """Anatomy preset values by name. Get anatomy preset values by preset name. Primary preset is returned if preset name is set to 'None'. Args: preset_name (Optional[str]): Preset name. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Anatomy preset values. """ if preset_name is None: preset_name = "__primary__" major, minor, patch, _, _ = self.server_version_tuple if (major, minor, patch) < (1, 0, 8): preset_name = self.get_default_anatomy_preset_name() result = self.get("anatomy/presets/{}".format(preset_name)) result.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_build_in_anatomy_preset(self): """Get built-in anatomy preset. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Built-in anatomy preset. """ preset_name = "__builtin__" major, minor, patch, _, _ = self.server_version_tuple if (major, minor, patch) < (1, 0, 8): preset_name = "_" return self.get_project_anatomy_preset(preset_name)
[docs] def get_project_root_overrides(self, project_name): """Root overrides per site name. Method is based on logged user and can't be received for any other user on server. Output will contain only roots per site id used by logged user. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. Returns: dict[str, dict[str, str]]: Root values by root name by site id. """ result = self.get("projects/{}/roots".format(project_name)) result.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_project_roots_by_site(self, project_name): """Root overrides per site name. Method is based on logged user and can't be received for any other user on server. Output will contain only roots per site id used by logged user. Deprecated: Use 'get_project_root_overrides' instead. Function deprecated since 1.0.6 Args: project_name (str): Name of project. Returns: dict[str, dict[str, str]]: Root values by root name by site id. """ warnings.warn( ( "Method 'get_project_roots_by_site' is deprecated." " Please use 'get_project_root_overrides' instead." ), DeprecationWarning ) return self.get_project_root_overrides(project_name)
[docs] def get_project_root_overrides_by_site_id( self, project_name, site_id=None ): """Root overrides for site. If site id is not passed a site set in current api object is used instead. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. site_id (Optional[str]): Site id for which want to receive site overrides. Returns: dict[str, str]: Root values by root name or None if site does not have overrides. """ if site_id is None: site_id = self.site_id if site_id is None: return {} roots = self.get_project_root_overrides(project_name) return roots.get(site_id, {})
[docs] def get_project_roots_for_site(self, project_name, site_id=None): """Root overrides for site. If site id is not passed a site set in current api object is used instead. Deprecated: Use 'get_project_root_overrides_by_site_id' instead. Function deprecated since 1.0.6 Args: project_name (str): Name of project. site_id (Optional[str]): Site id for which want to receive site overrides. Returns: dict[str, str]: Root values by root name, root name is not available if it does not have overrides. """ warnings.warn( ( "Method 'get_project_roots_for_site' is deprecated." " Please use 'get_project_root_overrides_by_site_id' instead." ), DeprecationWarning ) return self.get_project_root_overrides_by_site_id(project_name)
def _get_project_roots_values( self, project_name, site_id=None, platform_name=None ): """Root values for site or platform. Helper function that treats 'siteRoots' endpoint. The endpoint requires to pass exactly one query value of site id or platform name. When using platform name, it does return default project roots without any site overrides. Output should contain all project roots with all filled values. If value does not have override on a site, it should be filled with project default value. Args: project_name (str): Project name. site_id (Optional[str]): Site id for which want to receive site overrides. platform_name (Optional[str]): Platform for which want to receive roots. Returns: dict[str, str]: Root values. """ query_data = {} if site_id is not None: query_data["site_id"] = site_id else: if platform_name is None: platform_name = platform.system() query_data["platform"] = platform_name.lower() query = "?{}".format(",".join([ "{}={}".format(key, value) for key, value in query_data.items() ])) response = self.get( "projects/{}/siteRoots{}".format(project_name, query) ) response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_project_roots_by_site_id(self, project_name, site_id=None): """Root values for a site. If site id is not passed a site set in current api object is used instead. If site id is not available, default roots are returned for current platform. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. site_id (Optional[str]): Site id for which want to receive root values. Returns: dict[str, str]: Root values. """ if site_id is None: site_id = self.site_id return self._get_project_roots_values(project_name, site_id=site_id)
[docs] def get_project_roots_by_platform(self, project_name, platform_name=None): """Root values for a site. If platform name is not passed current platform name is used instead. This function does return root values without site overrides. It is possible to use the function to receive default root values. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. platform_name (Optional[Literal["windows", "linux", "darwin"]]): Platform name for which want to receive root values. Current platform name is used if not passed. Returns: dict[str, str]: Root values. """ return self._get_project_roots_values( project_name, platform_name=platform_name )
[docs] def get_addon_settings_schema( self, addon_name, addon_version, project_name=None ): """Sudio/Project settings schema of an addon. Project schema may look differently as some enums are based on project values. Args: addon_name (str): Name of addon. addon_version (str): Version of addon. project_name (Optional[str]): Schema for specific project or default studio schemas. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Schema of studio/project settings. """ args = tuple() if project_name: args = (project_name, ) endpoint = self.get_addon_endpoint( addon_name, addon_version, "schema", *args ) result = self.get(endpoint) result.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_addon_site_settings_schema(self, addon_name, addon_version): """Site settings schema of an addon. Args: addon_name (str): Name of addon. addon_version (str): Version of addon. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Schema of site settings. """ result = self.get("addons/{}/{}/siteSettings/schema".format( addon_name, addon_version )) result.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_addon_studio_settings( self, addon_name, addon_version, variant=None ): """Addon studio settings. Receive studio settings for specific version of an addon. Args: addon_name (str): Name of addon. addon_version (str): Version of addon. variant (Optional[Literal['production', 'staging']]): Name of settings variant. Used 'default_settings_variant' by default. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Addon settings. """ if variant is None: variant = self.default_settings_variant query_items = {} if variant: query_items["variant"] = variant query = prepare_query_string(query_items) result = self.get( "addons/{}/{}/settings{}".format(addon_name, addon_version, query) ) result.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_addon_project_settings( self, addon_name, addon_version, project_name, variant=None, site_id=None, use_site=True ): """Addon project settings. Receive project settings for specific version of an addon. The settings may be with site overrides when enabled. Site id is filled with current connection site id if not passed. To make sure any site id is used set 'use_site' to 'False'. Args: addon_name (str): Name of addon. addon_version (str): Version of addon. project_name (str): Name of project for which the settings are received. variant (Optional[Literal['production', 'staging']]): Name of settings variant. Used 'default_settings_variant' by default. site_id (Optional[str]): Name of site which is used for site overrides. Is filled with connection 'site_id' attribute if not passed. use_site (Optional[bool]): To force disable option of using site overrides set to 'False'. In that case won't be applied any site overrides. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Addon settings. """ if not use_site: site_id = None elif not site_id: site_id = self.site_id query_items = {} if site_id: query_items["site"] = site_id if variant is None: variant = self.default_settings_variant if variant: query_items["variant"] = variant query = prepare_query_string(query_items) result = self.get( "addons/{}/{}/settings/{}{}".format( addon_name, addon_version, project_name, query ) ) result.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_addon_settings( self, addon_name, addon_version, project_name=None, variant=None, site_id=None, use_site=True ): """Receive addon settings. Receive addon settings based on project name value. Some arguments may be ignored if 'project_name' is set to 'None'. Args: addon_name (str): Name of addon. addon_version (str): Version of addon. project_name (Optional[str]): Name of project for which the settings are received. A studio settings values are received if is 'None'. variant (Optional[Literal['production', 'staging']]): Name of settings variant. Used 'default_settings_variant' by default. site_id (Optional[str]): Name of site which is used for site overrides. Is filled with connection 'site_id' attribute if not passed. use_site (Optional[bool]): To force disable option of using site overrides set to 'False'. In that case won't be applied any site overrides. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Addon settings. """ if project_name is None: return self.get_addon_studio_settings( addon_name, addon_version, variant ) return self.get_addon_project_settings( addon_name, addon_version, project_name, variant, site_id, use_site )
[docs] def get_addon_site_settings( self, addon_name, addon_version, site_id=None ): """Site settings of an addon. If site id is not available an empty dictionary is returned. Args: addon_name (str): Name of addon. addon_version (str): Version of addon. site_id (Optional[str]): Name of site for which should be settings returned. using 'site_id' attribute if not passed. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Site settings. """ if site_id is None: site_id = self.site_id if not site_id: return {} query = prepare_query_string({"site": site_id}) result = self.get("addons/{}/{}/siteSettings{}".format( addon_name, addon_version, query )) result.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_bundle_settings( self, bundle_name=None, project_name=None, variant=None, site_id=None, use_site=True ): """Get complete set of settings for given data. If project is not passed then studio settings are returned. If variant is not passed 'default_settings_variant' is used. If bundle name is not passed then current production/staging bundle is used, based on variant value. Output contains addon settings and site settings in single dictionary. Todos: - test how it behaves if there is not any bundle. - test how it behaves if there is not any production/staging bundle. Example output:: { "addons": [ { "name": "addon-name", "version": "addon-version", "settings": {...}, "siteSettings": {...} } ] } Returns: dict[str, Any]: All settings for single bundle. """ query_values = { key: value for key, value in ( ("project_name", project_name), ("variant", variant or self.default_settings_variant), ("bundle_name", bundle_name), ) if value } if use_site: if not site_id: site_id = self.site_id if site_id: query_values["site_id"] = site_id query = prepare_query_string(query_values) response = self.get("settings{}".format(query)) response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_addons_studio_settings( self, bundle_name=None, variant=None, site_id=None, use_site=True, only_values=True ): """All addons settings in one bulk. Warnings: Behavior of this function changed with AYON server version 0.3.0. Structure of output from server changed. If using 'only_values=True' then output should be same as before. Args: bundle_name (Optional[str]): Name of bundle for which should be settings received. variant (Optional[Literal['production', 'staging']]): Name of settings variant. Used 'default_settings_variant' by default. site_id (Optional[str]): Site id for which want to receive site overrides. use_site (bool): To force disable option of using site overrides set to 'False'. In that case won't be applied any site overrides. only_values (Optional[bool]): Output will contain only settings values without metadata about addons. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Settings of all addons on server. """ output = self.get_bundle_settings( bundle_name=bundle_name, variant=variant, site_id=site_id, use_site=use_site ) if only_values: output = { addon["name"]: addon["settings"] for addon in output["addons"] } return output
[docs] def get_addons_project_settings( self, project_name, bundle_name=None, variant=None, site_id=None, use_site=True, only_values=True ): """Project settings of all addons. Server returns information about used addon versions, so full output looks like: ```json { "settings": {...}, "addons": {...} } ``` The output can be limited to only values. To do so is 'only_values' argument which is by default set to 'True'. In that case output contains only value of 'settings' key. Warnings: Behavior of this function changed with AYON server version 0.3.0. Structure of output from server changed. If using 'only_values=True' then output should be same as before. Args: project_name (str): Name of project for which are settings received. bundle_name (Optional[str]): Name of bundle for which should be settings received. variant (Optional[Literal['production', 'staging']]): Name of settings variant. Used 'default_settings_variant' by default. site_id (Optional[str]): Site id for which want to receive site overrides. use_site (bool): To force disable option of using site overrides set to 'False'. In that case won't be applied any site overrides. only_values (Optional[bool]): Output will contain only settings values without metadata about addons. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Settings of all addons on server for passed project. """ if not project_name: raise ValueError("Project name must be passed.") output = self.get_bundle_settings( project_name=project_name, bundle_name=bundle_name, variant=variant, site_id=site_id, use_site=use_site ) if only_values: output = { addon["name"]: addon["settings"] for addon in output["addons"] } return output
[docs] def get_addons_settings( self, bundle_name=None, project_name=None, variant=None, site_id=None, use_site=True, only_values=True ): """Universal function to receive all addon settings. Based on 'project_name' will receive studio settings or project settings. In case project is not passed is 'site_id' ignored. Warnings: Behavior of this function changed with AYON server version 0.3.0. Structure of output from server changed. If using 'only_values=True' then output should be same as before. Args: bundle_name (Optional[str]): Name of bundle for which should be settings received. project_name (Optional[str]): Name of project for which should be settings received. variant (Optional[Literal['production', 'staging']]): Name of settings variant. Used 'default_settings_variant' by default. site_id (Optional[str]): Id of site for which want to receive site overrides. use_site (Optional[bool]): To force disable option of using site overrides set to 'False'. In that case won't be applied any site overrides. only_values (Optional[bool]): Only settings values will be returned. By default, is set to 'True'. """ if project_name is None: return self.get_addons_studio_settings( bundle_name=bundle_name, variant=variant, site_id=site_id, use_site=use_site, only_values=only_values ) return self.get_addons_project_settings( project_name=project_name, bundle_name=bundle_name, variant=variant, site_id=site_id, use_site=use_site, only_values=only_values )
[docs] def get_secrets(self): """Get all secrets. Example output:: [ { "name": "secret_1", "value": "secret_value_1", }, { "name": "secret_2", "value": "secret_value_2", } ] Returns: list[dict[str, str]]: List of secret entities. """ response = self.get("secrets") response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_secret(self, secret_name): """Get secret by name. Example output:: { "name": "secret_name", "value": "secret_value", } Args: secret_name (str): Name of secret. Returns: dict[str, str]: Secret entity data. """ response = self.get("secrets/{}".format(secret_name)) response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def save_secret(self, secret_name, secret_value): """Save secret. This endpoint can create and update secret. Args: secret_name (str): Name of secret. secret_value (str): Value of secret. """ response = self.put( "secrets/{}".format(secret_name), name=secret_name, value=secret_value, ) response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def delete_secret(self, secret_name): """Delete secret by name. Args: secret_name (str): Name of secret to delete. """ response = self.delete("secrets/{}".format(secret_name)) response.raise_for_status() return
# Entity getters
[docs] def get_rest_project(self, project_name): """Query project by name. This call returns project with anatomy data. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. Returns: Union[dict[str, Any], None]: Project entity data or 'None' if project was not found. """ if not project_name: return None response = self.get("projects/{}".format(project_name)) # TODO ignore only error about not existing project if response.status != 200: return None project = # Add fake scope to statuses if not available for status in project["statuses"]: scope = status.get("scope") if scope is None: status["scope"] = [ "folder", "task", "product", "version", "representation", "workfile" ] return project
[docs] def get_rest_projects(self, active=True, library=None): """Query available project entities. User must be logged in. Args: active (Optional[bool]): Filter active/inactive projects. Both are returned if 'None' is passed. library (Optional[bool]): Filter standard/library projects. Both are returned if 'None' is passed. Returns: Generator[dict[str, Any]]: Available projects. """ for project_name in self.get_project_names(active, library): project = self.get_rest_project(project_name) if project: yield project
[docs] def get_rest_entity_by_id(self, project_name, entity_type, entity_id): """Get entity using REST on a project by its id. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where entity is. entity_type (Literal["folder", "task", "product", "version"]): The entity type which should be received. entity_id (str): Id of entity. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Received entity data. """ if not all((project_name, entity_type, entity_id)): return None entity_endpoint = "{}s".format(entity_type) response = self.get("projects/{}/{}/{}".format( project_name, entity_endpoint, entity_id )) if response.status == 200: return return None
[docs] def get_rest_folder(self, project_name, folder_id): return self.get_rest_entity_by_id(project_name, "folder", folder_id)
[docs] def get_rest_folders(self, project_name, include_attrib=False): """Get simplified flat list of all project folders. Get all project folders in single REST call. This can be faster than using 'get_folders' method which is using GraphQl, but does not allow any filtering, and set of fields is defined by server backend. Example:: [ { "id": "112233445566", "parentId": "112233445567", "path": "/root/parent/child", "parents": ["root", "parent"], "name": "child", "label": "Child", "folderType": "Folder", "hasTasks": False, "hasChildren": False, "taskNames": [ "Compositing", ], "status": "In Progress", "attrib": {}, "ownAttrib": [], "updatedAt": "2023-06-12T15:37:02.420260", }, ... ] Args: project_name (str): Project name. include_attrib (Optional[bool]): Include attribute values in output. Slower to query. Returns: list[dict[str, Any]]: List of folder entities. """ major, minor, patch, _, _ = self.server_version_tuple if (major, minor, patch) < (1, 0, 8): raise UnsupportedServerVersion( "Function 'get_folders_rest' is supported" " for AYON server 1.0.8 and above." ) query = "?attrib={}".format( "true" if include_attrib else "false" ) response = self.get( "projects/{}/folders{}".format(project_name, query) ) response.raise_for_status() return["folders"]
[docs] def get_rest_task(self, project_name, task_id): return self.get_rest_entity_by_id(project_name, "task", task_id)
[docs] def get_rest_product(self, project_name, product_id): return self.get_rest_entity_by_id(project_name, "product", product_id)
[docs] def get_rest_version(self, project_name, version_id): return self.get_rest_entity_by_id(project_name, "version", version_id)
[docs] def get_rest_representation(self, project_name, representation_id): return self.get_rest_entity_by_id( project_name, "representation", representation_id )
[docs] def get_project_names(self, active=True, library=None): """Receive available project names. User must be logged in. Args: active (Optional[bool]): Filter active/inactive projects. Both are returned if 'None' is passed. library (Optional[bool]): Filter standard/library projects. Both are returned if 'None' is passed. Returns: list[str]: List of available project names. """ query_keys = {} if active is not None: query_keys["active"] = "true" if active else "false" if library is not None: query_keys["library"] = "true" if library else "false" query = "" if query_keys: query = "?{}".format(",".join([ "{}={}".format(key, value) for key, value in query_keys.items() ])) response = self.get("projects{}".format(query), **query_keys) response.raise_for_status() data = project_names = [] if data: for project in data["projects"]: project_names.append(project["name"]) return project_names
def _should_use_rest_project(self, fields=None): """Fetch of project must be done using REST endpoint. Returns: bool: REST endpoint must be used to get requested fields. """ if fields is None: return True for field in fields: if field.startswith("config"): return True return False def _prepare_project_fields(self, fields, own_attributes): if "attrib" in fields: fields.remove("attrib") fields |= self.get_attributes_fields_for_type("project") if "folderTypes" in fields: fields.remove("folderTypes") fields |= { "folderTypes.{}".format(name) for name in self.get_default_fields_for_type("folderType") } if "taskTypes" in fields: fields.remove("taskTypes") fields |= { "taskTypes.{}".format(name) for name in self.get_default_fields_for_type("taskType") } if "productTypes" in fields: fields.remove("productTypes") fields |= { "productTypes.{}".format(name) for name in self.get_default_fields_for_type("productType") } if own_attributes: fields.add("ownAttrib")
[docs] def get_projects( self, active=True, library=None, fields=None, own_attributes=False ): """Get projects. Args: active (Optional[bool]): Filter active or inactive projects. Filter is disabled when 'None' is passed. library (Optional[bool]): Filter library projects. Filter is disabled when 'None' is passed. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): fields to be queried for project. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. Returns: Generator[dict[str, Any]]: Queried projects. """ if fields is not None: fields = set(fields) use_rest = self._should_use_rest_project(fields) if use_rest: for project in self.get_rest_projects(active, library): if own_attributes: fill_own_attribs(project) yield project return self._prepare_project_fields(fields, own_attributes) query = projects_graphql_query(fields) for parsed_data in query.continuous_query(self): for project in parsed_data["projects"]: if own_attributes: fill_own_attribs(project) yield project
[docs] def get_project(self, project_name, fields=None, own_attributes=False): """Get project. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): fields to be queried for project. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. Returns: Union[dict[str, Any], None]: Project entity data or None if project was not found. """ if fields is not None: fields = set(fields) use_rest = self._should_use_rest_project(fields) if use_rest: project = self.get_rest_project(project_name) if own_attributes: fill_own_attribs(project) return project self._prepare_project_fields(fields, own_attributes) query = project_graphql_query(fields) query.set_variable_value("projectName", project_name) parsed_data = query.query(self) project = parsed_data["project"] if project is not None: project["name"] = project_name if own_attributes: fill_own_attribs(project) return project
[docs] def get_folders_hierarchy( self, project_name, search_string=None, folder_types=None ): """Get project hierarchy. All folders in project in hierarchy data structure. Example output: { "hierarchy": [ { "id": "...", "name": "...", "label": "...", "status": "...", "folderType": "...", "hasTasks": False, "taskNames": [], "parents": [], "parentId": None, "children": [...children folders...] }, ... ] } Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for folders. search_string (Optional[str]): Search string to filter folders. folder_types (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder types to filter. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Response data from server. """ if folder_types: folder_types = ",".join(folder_types) query_fields = [ "{}={}".format(key, value) for key, value in ( ("search", search_string), ("types", folder_types), ) if value ] query = "" if query_fields: query = "?{}".format(",".join(query_fields)) response = self.get( "projects/{}/hierarchy{}".format(project_name, query) ) response.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def get_folders_rest(self, project_name, include_attrib=False): """Get simplified flat list of all project folders. Get all project folders in single REST call. This can be faster than using 'get_folders' method which is using GraphQl, but does not allow any filtering, and set of fields is defined by server backend. Example:: [ { "id": "112233445566", "parentId": "112233445567", "path": "/root/parent/child", "parents": ["root", "parent"], "name": "child", "label": "Child", "folderType": "Folder", "hasTasks": False, "hasChildren": False, "taskNames": [ "Compositing", ], "status": "In Progress", "attrib": {}, "ownAttrib": [], "updatedAt": "2023-06-12T15:37:02.420260", }, ... ] Deprecated: Use 'get_rest_folders' instead. Function was renamed to match other rest functions, like 'get_rest_folder', 'get_rest_project' etc. . Will be removed in '1.0.7' or '1.1.0'. Args: project_name (str): Project name. include_attrib (Optional[bool]): Include attribute values in output. Slower to query. Returns: list[dict[str, Any]]: List of folder entities. """ warnings.warn( ( "DEPRECATION: Used deprecated 'get_folders_rest'," " use 'get_rest_folders' instead." ), DeprecationWarning ) return self.get_rest_folders(project_name, include_attrib)
[docs] def get_folders( self, project_name, folder_ids=None, folder_paths=None, folder_names=None, folder_types=None, parent_ids=None, folder_path_regex=None, has_products=None, has_tasks=None, has_children=None, statuses=None, assignees_all=None, tags=None, active=True, has_links=None, fields=None, own_attributes=False ): """Query folders from server. Todos: Folder name won't be unique identifier, so we should add folder path filtering. Notes: Filter 'active' don't have direct filter in GraphQl. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. folder_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder ids to filter. folder_paths (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder paths used for filtering. folder_names (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder names used for filtering. folder_types (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder types used for filtering. parent_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Ids of folder parents. Use 'None' if folder is direct child of project. folder_path_regex (Optional[str]): Folder path regex used for filtering. has_products (Optional[bool]): Filter folders with/without products. Ignored when None, default behavior. has_tasks (Optional[bool]): Filter folders with/without tasks. Ignored when None, default behavior. has_children (Optional[bool]): Filter folders with/without children. Ignored when None, default behavior. statuses (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder statuses used for filtering. assignees_all (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Filter by assigness on children tasks. Task must have all of passed assignees. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder tags used for filtering. active (Optional[bool]): Filter active/inactive folders. Both are returned if is set to None. has_links (Optional[Literal[IN, OUT, ANY]]): Filter representations with IN/OUT/ANY links. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for folder. All possible folder fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. Returns: Generator[dict[str, Any]]: Queried folder entities. """ if not project_name: return filters = { "projectName": project_name } if not _prepare_list_filters( filters, ("folderIds", folder_ids), ("folderPaths", folder_paths), ("folderNames", folder_names), ("folderTypes", folder_types), ("folderStatuses", statuses), ("folderTags", tags), ("folderAssigneesAll", assignees_all), ): return for filter_key, filter_value in ( ("folderPathRegex", folder_path_regex), ("folderHasProducts", has_products), ("folderHasTasks", has_tasks), ("folderHasLinks", has_links), ("folderHasChildren", has_children), ): if filter_value is not None: filters[filter_key] = filter_value if parent_ids is not None: parent_ids = set(parent_ids) if not parent_ids: return if None in parent_ids: # Replace 'None' with '"root"' which is used during GraphQl # query for parent ids filter for folders without folder # parent parent_ids.remove(None) parent_ids.add("root") if project_name in parent_ids: # Replace project name with '"root"' which is used during # GraphQl query for parent ids filter for folders without # folder parent parent_ids.remove(project_name) parent_ids.add("root") filters["parentFolderIds"] = list(parent_ids) if not fields: fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("folder") else: fields = set(fields) if "attrib" in fields: fields.remove("attrib") fields |= self.get_attributes_fields_for_type("folder") use_rest = False if "data" in fields and not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: use_rest = True fields = {"id"} if active is not None: fields.add("active") if own_attributes and not use_rest: fields.add("ownAttrib") query = folders_graphql_query(fields) for attr, filter_value in filters.items(): query.set_variable_value(attr, filter_value) for parsed_data in query.continuous_query(self): for folder in parsed_data["project"]["folders"]: if active is not None and active is not folder["active"]: continue if use_rest: folder = self.get_rest_folder(project_name, folder["id"]) else: self._convert_entity_data(folder) if own_attributes: fill_own_attribs(folder) yield folder
[docs] def get_folder_by_id( self, project_name, folder_id, fields=None, own_attributes=False ): """Query folder entity by id. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. folder_id (str): Folder id. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Folder entity data or None if was not found. """ folders = self.get_folders( project_name, folder_ids=[folder_id], active=None, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for folder in folders: return folder return None
[docs] def get_folder_by_path( self, project_name, folder_path, fields=None, own_attributes=False ): """Query folder entity by path. Folder path is a path to folder with all parent names joined by slash. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. folder_path (str): Folder path. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Folder entity data or None if was not found. """ folders = self.get_folders( project_name, folder_paths=[folder_path], active=None, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for folder in folders: return folder return None
[docs] def get_folder_by_name( self, project_name, folder_name, fields=None, own_attributes=False ): """Query folder entity by path. Warnings: Folder name is not a unique identifier of a folder. Function is kept for OpenPype 3 compatibility. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. folder_name (str): Folder name. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Folder entity data or None if was not found. """ folders = self.get_folders( project_name, folder_names=[folder_name], active=None, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for folder in folders: return folder return None
[docs] def get_folder_ids_with_products(self, project_name, folder_ids=None): """Find folders which have at least one product. Folders that have at least one product should be immutable, so they should not change path -> change of name or name of any parent is not possible. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. folder_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Limit folder ids filtering to a set of folders. If set to None all folders on project are checked. Returns: set[str]: Folder ids that have at least one product. """ if folder_ids is not None: folder_ids = set(folder_ids) if not folder_ids: return set() query = folders_graphql_query({"id"}) query.set_variable_value("projectName", project_name) query.set_variable_value("folderHasProducts", True) if folder_ids: query.set_variable_value("folderIds", list(folder_ids)) parsed_data = query.query(self) folders = parsed_data["project"]["folders"] return { folder["id"] for folder in folders }
[docs] def create_folder( self, project_name, name, folder_type=None, parent_id=None, label=None, attrib=None, data=None, tags=None, status=None, active=None, thumbnail_id=None, folder_id=None, ): """Create new folder. Args: project_name (str): Project name. name (str): Folder name. folder_type (Optional[str]): Folder type. parent_id (Optional[str]): Parent folder id. Parent is project if is ``None``. label (Optional[str]): Label of folder. attrib (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Folder attributes. data (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Folder data. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder tags. status (Optional[str]): Folder status. active (Optional[bool]): Folder active state. thumbnail_id (Optional[str]): Folder thumbnail id. folder_id (Optional[str]): Folder id. If not passed new id is generated. Returns: str: Entity id. """ if not folder_id: folder_id = create_entity_id() create_data = { "id": folder_id, "name": name, } for key, value in ( ("folderType", folder_type), ("parentId", parent_id), ("label", label), ("attrib", attrib), ("data", data), ("tags", tags), ("status", status), ("active", active), ("thumbnailId", thumbnail_id), ): if value is not None: create_data[key] = value response = "projects/{}/folders".format(project_name), **create_data ) response.raise_for_status() return folder_id
[docs] def update_folder( self, project_name, folder_id, name=None, folder_type=None, parent_id=NOT_SET, label=NOT_SET, attrib=None, data=None, tags=None, status=None, active=None, thumbnail_id=NOT_SET, ): """Update folder entity on server. Do not pass ``parent_id``, ``label`` amd ``thumbnail_id`` if you don't want to change their values. Value ``None`` would unset their value. Update of ``data`` will override existing value on folder entity. Update of ``attrib`` does change only passed attributes. If you want to unset value, use ``None``. Args: project_name (str): Project name. folder_id (str): Folder id. name (Optional[str]): New name. folder_type (Optional[str]): New folder type. parent_id (Optional[Union[str, None]]): New parent folder id. label (Optional[Union[str, None]]): New label. attrib (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New attributes. data (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New data. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): New tags. status (Optional[str]): New status. active (Optional[bool]): New active state. thumbnail_id (Optional[Union[str, None]]): New thumbnail id. """ update_data = {} for key, value in ( ("name", name), ("folderType", folder_type), ("attrib", attrib), ("data", data), ("tags", tags), ("status", status), ("active", active), ): if value is not None: update_data[key] = value for key, value in ( ("label", label), ("parentId", parent_id), ("thumbnailId", thumbnail_id), ): if value is not NOT_SET: update_data[key] = value response = self.patch( "projects/{}/folders/{}".format(project_name, folder_id), **update_data ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def delete_folder(self, project_name, folder_id, force=False): """Delete folder. Args: project_name (str): Project name. folder_id (str): Folder id to delete. force (Optional[bool]): Folder delete folder with all children folder, products, versions and representations. """ url = "projects/{}/folders/{}".format(project_name, folder_id) if force: url += "?force=true" response = self.delete(url) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def get_tasks( self, project_name, task_ids=None, task_names=None, task_types=None, folder_ids=None, assignees=None, assignees_all=None, statuses=None, tags=None, active=True, fields=None, own_attributes=False ): """Query task entities from server. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. task_ids (Iterable[str]): Task ids to filter. task_names (Iterable[str]): Task names used for filtering. task_types (Iterable[str]): Task types used for filtering. folder_ids (Iterable[str]): Ids of task parents. Use 'None' if folder is direct child of project. assignees (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task assignees used for filtering. All tasks with any of passed assignees are returned. assignees_all (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task assignees used for filtering. Task must have all of passed assignees to be returned. statuses (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task statuses used for filtering. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task tags used for filtering. active (Optional[bool]): Filter active/inactive tasks. Both are returned if is set to None. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for folder. All possible folder fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. Returns: Generator[dict[str, Any]]: Queried task entities. """ if not project_name: return filters = { "projectName": project_name } if not _prepare_list_filters( filters, ("taskIds", task_ids), ("taskNames", task_names), ("taskTypes", task_types), ("folderIds", folder_ids), ("taskAssigneesAny", assignees), ("taskAssigneesAll", assignees_all), ("taskStatuses", statuses), ("taskTags", tags), ): return if not fields: fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("task") else: fields = set(fields) if "attrib" in fields: fields.remove("attrib") fields |= self.get_attributes_fields_for_type("task") use_rest = False if "data" in fields and not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: use_rest = True fields = {"id"} if active is not None: fields.add("active") if own_attributes: fields.add("ownAttrib") query = tasks_graphql_query(fields) for attr, filter_value in filters.items(): query.set_variable_value(attr, filter_value) for parsed_data in query.continuous_query(self): for task in parsed_data["project"]["tasks"]: if active is not None and active is not task["active"]: continue if use_rest: task = self.get_rest_task(project_name, task["id"]) else: self._convert_entity_data(task) if own_attributes: fill_own_attribs(task) yield task
[docs] def get_task_by_name( self, project_name, folder_id, task_name, fields=None, own_attributes=False ): """Query task entity by name and folder id. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. folder_id (str): Folder id. task_name (str): Task name fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Task entity data or None if was not found. """ for task in self.get_tasks( project_name, folder_ids=[folder_id], task_names=[task_name], active=None, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ): return task return None
[docs] def get_task_by_id( self, project_name, task_id, fields=None, own_attributes=False ): """Query task entity by id. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. task_id (str): Task id. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Task entity data or None if was not found. """ for task in self.get_tasks( project_name, task_ids=[task_id], active=None, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ): return task return None
[docs] def get_tasks_by_folder_paths( self, project_name, folder_paths, task_names=None, task_types=None, assignees=None, assignees_all=None, statuses=None, tags=None, active=True, fields=None, own_attributes=False ): """Query task entities from server by folder paths. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. folder_paths (list[str]): Folder paths. task_names (Iterable[str]): Task names used for filtering. task_types (Iterable[str]): Task types used for filtering. assignees (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task assignees used for filtering. All tasks with any of passed assignees are returned. assignees_all (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task assignees used for filtering. Task must have all of passed assignees to be returned. statuses (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task statuses used for filtering. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task tags used for filtering. active (Optional[bool]): Filter active/inactive tasks. Both are returned if is set to None. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for folder. All possible folder fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. Returns: dict[dict[str, list[dict[str, Any]]]: Task entities by folder path. """ folder_paths = set(folder_paths) if not project_name or not folder_paths: return filters = { "projectName": project_name, "folderPaths": list(folder_paths), } if not _prepare_list_filters( filters, ("taskNames", task_names), ("taskTypes", task_types), ("taskAssigneesAny", assignees), ("taskAssigneesAll", assignees_all), ("taskStatuses", statuses), ("taskTags", tags), ): return if not fields: fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("task") else: fields = set(fields) if "attrib" in fields: fields.remove("attrib") fields |= self.get_attributes_fields_for_type("task") use_rest = False if "data" in fields and not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: use_rest = True fields = {"id"} if active is not None: fields.add("active") if own_attributes: fields.add("ownAttrib") query = tasks_by_folder_paths_graphql_query(fields) for attr, filter_value in filters.items(): query.set_variable_value(attr, filter_value) output = { folder_path: [] for folder_path in folder_paths } for parsed_data in query.continuous_query(self): for folder in parsed_data["project"]["folders"]: folder_path = folder["path"] for task in folder["tasks"]: if active is not None and active is not task["active"]: continue if use_rest: task = self.get_rest_task(project_name, task["id"]) else: self._convert_entity_data(task) if own_attributes: fill_own_attribs(task) output[folder_path].append(task) return output
[docs] def get_tasks_by_folder_path( self, project_name, folder_path, task_names=None, task_types=None, assignees=None, assignees_all=None, statuses=None, tags=None, active=True, fields=None, own_attributes=False ): """Query task entities from server by folder path. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. folder_path (str): Folder path. task_names (Iterable[str]): Task names used for filtering. task_types (Iterable[str]): Task types used for filtering. assignees (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task assignees used for filtering. All tasks with any of passed assignees are returned. assignees_all (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task assignees used for filtering. Task must have all of passed assignees to be returned. statuses (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task statuses used for filtering. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task tags used for filtering. active (Optional[bool]): Filter active/inactive tasks. Both are returned if is set to None. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for folder. All possible folder fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. """ return self.get_tasks_by_folder_paths( project_name, [folder_path], task_names, task_types=task_types, assignees=assignees, assignees_all=assignees_all, statuses=statuses, tags=tags, active=active, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes )[folder_path]
[docs] def get_task_by_folder_path( self, project_name, folder_path, task_name, fields=None, own_attributes=False ): """Query task entity by folder path and task name. Args: project_name (str): Project name. folder_path (str): Folder path. task_name (str): Task name. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task fields that should be returned. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): Attribute values that are not explicitly set on entity will have 'None' value. Returns: Union[dict[str, Any], None]: Task entity data or None if was not found. """ for task in self.get_tasks_by_folder_path( project_name, folder_path, active=None, task_names=[task_name], fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes, ): return task return None
[docs] def create_task( self, project_name, name, task_type, folder_id, label=None, assignees=None, attrib=None, data=None, tags=None, status=None, active=None, thumbnail_id=None, task_id=None, ): """Create new task. Args: project_name (str): Project name. name (str): Folder name. task_type (str): Task type. folder_id (str): Parent folder id. label (Optional[str]): Label of folder. assignees (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task assignees. attrib (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Task attributes. data (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Task data. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task tags. status (Optional[str]): Task status. active (Optional[bool]): Task active state. thumbnail_id (Optional[str]): Task thumbnail id. task_id (Optional[str]): Task id. If not passed new id is generated. Returns: str: Task id. """ if not task_id: task_id = create_entity_id() create_data = { "id": task_id, "name": name, "taskType": task_type, "folderId": folder_id, } for key, value in ( ("label", label), ("attrib", attrib), ("data", data), ("tags", tags), ("status", status), ("assignees", assignees), ("active", active), ("thumbnailId", thumbnail_id), ): if value is not None: create_data[key] = value response = "projects/{}/tasks".format(project_name), **create_data ) response.raise_for_status() return folder_id
[docs] def update_task( self, project_name, task_id, name=None, task_type=None, folder_id=None, label=NOT_SET, assignees=None, attrib=None, data=None, tags=None, status=None, active=None, thumbnail_id=NOT_SET, ): """Update task entity on server. Do not pass ``label`` amd ``thumbnail_id`` if you don't want to change their values. Value ``None`` would unset their value. Update of ``data`` will override existing value on folder entity. Update of ``attrib`` does change only passed attributes. If you want to unset value, use ``None``. Args: project_name (str): Project name. task_id (str): Task id. name (Optional[str]): New name. task_type (Optional[str]): New task type. folder_id (Optional[str]): New folder id. label (Optional[Union[str, None]]): New label. assignees (Optional[str]): New assignees. attrib (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New attributes. data (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New data. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): New tags. status (Optional[str]): New status. active (Optional[bool]): New active state. thumbnail_id (Optional[Union[str, None]]): New thumbnail id. """ update_data = {} for key, value in ( ("name", name), ("taskType", task_type), ("folderId", folder_id), ("assignees", assignees), ("attrib", attrib), ("data", data), ("tags", tags), ("status", status), ("active", active), ): if value is not None: update_data[key] = value for key, value in ( ("label", label), ("thumbnailId", thumbnail_id), ): if value is not NOT_SET: update_data[key] = value response = self.patch( "projects/{}/tasks/{}".format(project_name, task_id), **update_data ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def delete_task(self, project_name, task_id): """Delete task. Args: project_name (str): Project name. task_id (str): Task id to delete. """ response = self.delete( "projects/{}/tasks/{}".format(project_name, task_id) ) response.raise_for_status()
def _filter_product( self, project_name, product, active, use_rest ): if active is not None and product["active"] is not active: return None if use_rest: product = self.get_rest_product(project_name, product["id"]) else: self._convert_entity_data(product) return product
[docs] def get_products( self, project_name, product_ids=None, product_names=None, folder_ids=None, product_types=None, product_name_regex=None, product_path_regex=None, names_by_folder_ids=None, statuses=None, tags=None, active=True, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query products from server. Todos: Separate 'name_by_folder_ids' filtering to separated method. It cannot be combined with some other filters. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. product_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task ids to filter. product_names (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task names used for filtering. folder_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Ids of task parents. Use 'None' if folder is direct child of project. product_types (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product types used for filtering. product_name_regex (Optional[str]): Filter products by name regex. product_path_regex (Optional[str]): Filter products by path regex. Path starts with folder path and ends with product name. names_by_folder_ids (Optional[dict[str, Iterable[str]]]): Product name filtering by folder id. statuses (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product statuses used for filtering. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product tags used for filtering. active (Optional[bool]): Filter active/inactive products. Both are returned if is set to None. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for folder. All possible folder fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for products. Returns: Generator[dict[str, Any]]: Queried product entities. """ if not project_name: return # Prepare these filters before 'name_by_filter_ids' filter filter_product_names = None if product_names is not None: filter_product_names = set(product_names) if not filter_product_names: return filter_folder_ids = None if folder_ids is not None: filter_folder_ids = set(folder_ids) if not filter_folder_ids: return # This will disable 'folder_ids' and 'product_names' filters # - maybe could be enhanced in future? if names_by_folder_ids is not None: filter_product_names = set() filter_folder_ids = set() for folder_id, names in names_by_folder_ids.items(): if folder_id and names: filter_folder_ids.add(folder_id) filter_product_names |= set(names) if not filter_product_names or not filter_folder_ids: return # Convert fields and add minimum required fields if fields: fields = set(fields) | {"id"} if "attrib" in fields: fields.remove("attrib") fields |= self.get_attributes_fields_for_type("product") else: fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("product") use_rest = False if "data" in fields and not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: use_rest = True fields = {"id"} if active is not None: fields.add("active") if own_attributes is not _PLACEHOLDER: warnings.warn( ( "'own_attributes' is not supported for products. The" " argument will be removed form function signature in" " future (apx. version 1.0.10 or 1.1.0)." ), DeprecationWarning ) # Add 'name' and 'folderId' if 'names_by_folder_ids' filter is entered if names_by_folder_ids: fields.add("name") fields.add("folderId") # Prepare filters for query filters = { "projectName": project_name } if filter_folder_ids: filters["folderIds"] = list(filter_folder_ids) if filter_product_names: filters["productNames"] = list(filter_product_names) if not _prepare_list_filters( filters, ("productIds", product_ids), ("productTypes", product_types), ("productStatuses", statuses), ("productTags", tags), ): return for filter_key, filter_value in ( ("productNameRegex", product_name_regex), ("productPathRegex", product_path_regex), ): if filter_value: filters[filter_key] = filter_value query = products_graphql_query(fields) for attr, filter_value in filters.items(): query.set_variable_value(attr, filter_value) parsed_data = query.query(self) products = parsed_data.get("project", {}).get("products", []) # Filter products by 'names_by_folder_ids' if names_by_folder_ids: products_by_folder_id = collections.defaultdict(list) for product in products: filtered_product = self._filter_product( project_name, product, active, use_rest ) if filtered_product is not None: folder_id = filtered_product["folderId"] products_by_folder_id[folder_id].append(filtered_product) for folder_id, names in names_by_folder_ids.items(): for folder_product in products_by_folder_id[folder_id]: if folder_product["name"] in names: yield folder_product else: for product in products: filtered_product = self._filter_product( project_name, product, active, use_rest ) if filtered_product is not None: yield filtered_product
[docs] def get_product_by_id( self, project_name, product_id, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query product entity by id. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. product_id (str): Product id. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for products. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Product entity data or None if was not found. """ products = self.get_products( project_name, product_ids=[product_id], active=None, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for product in products: return product return None
[docs] def get_product_by_name( self, project_name, product_name, folder_id, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query product entity by name and folder id. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. product_name (str): Product name. folder_id (str): Folder id (Folder is a parent of products). fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for products. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Product entity data or None if was not found. """ products = self.get_products( project_name, product_names=[product_name], folder_ids=[folder_id], active=None, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for product in products: return product return None
[docs] def get_product_types(self, fields=None): """Types of products. This is server wide information. Product types have 'name', 'icon' and 'color'. Args: fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product types fields to query. Returns: list[dict[str, Any]]: Product types information. """ if not fields: fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("productType") query = product_types_query(fields) parsed_data = query.query(self) return parsed_data.get("productTypes", [])
[docs] def get_project_product_types(self, project_name, fields=None): """Types of products available on a project. Filter only product types available on project. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for product types. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product types fields to query. Returns: list[dict[str, Any]]: Product types information. """ if not fields: fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("productType") query = project_product_types_query(fields) query.set_variable_value("projectName", project_name) parsed_data = query.query(self) return parsed_data.get("project", {}).get("productTypes", [])
[docs] def get_product_type_names(self, project_name=None, product_ids=None): """Product type names. Warnings: This function will be probably removed. Matters if 'products_id' filter has real use-case. Args: project_name (Optional[str]): Name of project where to look for queried entities. product_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product ids filter. Can be used only with 'project_name'. Returns: set[str]: Product type names. """ if project_name and product_ids: products = self.get_products( project_name, product_ids=product_ids, fields=["productType"], active=None, ) return { product["productType"] for product in products } return { product_info["name"] for product_info in self.get_project_product_types( project_name, fields=["name"] ) }
[docs] def create_product( self, project_name, name, product_type, folder_id, attrib=None, data=None, tags=None, status=None, active=None, product_id=None, ): """Create new product. Args: project_name (str): Project name. name (str): Product name. product_type (str): Product type. folder_id (str): Parent folder id. attrib (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Product attributes. data (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Product data. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product tags. status (Optional[str]): Product status. active (Optional[bool]): Product active state. product_id (Optional[str]): Product id. If not passed new id is generated. Returns: str: Product id. """ if not product_id: product_id = create_entity_id() create_data = { "id": product_id, "name": name, "productType": product_type, "folderId": folder_id, } for key, value in ( ("attrib", attrib), ("data", data), ("tags", tags), ("status", status), ("active", active), ): if value is not None: create_data[key] = value response = "projects/{}/products".format(project_name), **create_data ) response.raise_for_status() return product_id
[docs] def update_product( self, project_name, product_id, name=None, folder_id=None, product_type=None, attrib=None, data=None, tags=None, status=None, active=None, ): """Update product entity on server. Update of ``data`` will override existing value on folder entity. Update of ``attrib`` does change only passed attributes. If you want to unset value, use ``None``. Args: project_name (str): Project name. product_id (str): Product id. name (Optional[str]): New product name. folder_id (Optional[str]): New product id. product_type (Optional[str]): New product type. attrib (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New product attributes. data (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New product data. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): New product tags. status (Optional[str]): New product status. active (Optional[bool]): New product active state. """ update_data = {} for key, value in ( ("name", name), ("productType", product_type), ("folderId", folder_id), ("attrib", attrib), ("data", data), ("tags", tags), ("status", status), ("active", active), ): if value is not None: update_data[key] = value response = self.patch( "projects/{}/products/{}".format(project_name, product_id), **update_data ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def delete_product(self, project_name, product_id): """Delete product. Args: project_name (str): Project name. product_id (str): Product id to delete. """ response = self.delete( "projects/{}/products/{}".format(project_name, product_id) ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def get_versions( self, project_name, version_ids=None, product_ids=None, task_ids=None, versions=None, hero=True, standard=True, latest=None, statuses=None, tags=None, active=True, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Get version entities based on passed filters from server. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for versions. version_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Version ids used for version filtering. product_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product ids used for version filtering. task_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task ids used for version filtering. versions (Optional[Iterable[int]]): Versions we're interested in. hero (Optional[bool]): Skip hero versions when set to False. standard (Optional[bool]): Skip standard (non-hero) when set to False. latest (Optional[bool]): Return only latest version of standard versions. This can be combined only with 'standard' attribute set to True. statuses (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Representation statuses used for filtering. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Representation tags used for filtering. active (Optional[bool]): Receive active/inactive entities. Both are returned when 'None' is passed. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for version. All possible folder fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for versions. Returns: Generator[dict[str, Any]]: Queried version entities. """ if not fields: fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("version") else: fields = set(fields) if "attrib" in fields: fields.remove("attrib") fields |= self.get_attributes_fields_for_type("version") # Make sure fields have minimum required fields fields |= {"id", "version"} use_rest = False if "data" in fields and not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: use_rest = True fields = {"id"} if active is not None: fields.add("active") if own_attributes is not _PLACEHOLDER: warnings.warn( ( "'own_attributes' is not supported for versions. The" " argument will be removed form function signature in" " future (apx. version 1.0.10 or 1.1.0)." ), DeprecationWarning ) if not hero and not standard: return filters = { "projectName": project_name } if not _prepare_list_filters( filters, ("taskIds", task_ids), ("versionIds", version_ids), ("productIds", product_ids), ("taskIds", task_ids), ("versions", versions), ("versionStatuses", statuses), ("versionTags", tags), ): return queries = [] # Add filters based on 'hero' and 'standard' # NOTE: There is not a filter to "ignore" hero versions or to get # latest and hero version # - if latest and hero versions should be returned it must be done in # 2 graphql queries if standard and not latest: # This query all versions standard + hero # - hero must be filtered out if is not enabled during loop query = versions_graphql_query(fields) for attr, filter_value in filters.items(): query.set_variable_value(attr, filter_value) queries.append(query) else: if hero: # Add hero query if hero is enabled hero_query = versions_graphql_query(fields) for attr, filter_value in filters.items(): hero_query.set_variable_value(attr, filter_value) hero_query.set_variable_value("heroOnly", True) queries.append(hero_query) if standard: standard_query = versions_graphql_query(fields) for attr, filter_value in filters.items(): standard_query.set_variable_value(attr, filter_value) if latest: standard_query.set_variable_value("latestOnly", True) queries.append(standard_query) for query in queries: for parsed_data in query.continuous_query(self): for version in parsed_data["project"]["versions"]: if active is not None and version["active"] is not active: continue if not hero and version["version"] < 0: continue if use_rest: version = self.get_rest_version( project_name, version["id"] ) else: self._convert_entity_data(version) yield version
[docs] def get_version_by_id( self, project_name, version_id, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query version entity by id. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. version_id (str): Version id. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for versions. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Version entity data or None if was not found. """ versions = self.get_versions( project_name, version_ids=[version_id], active=None, hero=True, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for version in versions: return version return None
[docs] def get_version_by_name( self, project_name, version, product_id, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query version entity by version and product id. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. version (int): Version of version entity. product_id (str): Product id. Product is a parent of version. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for versions. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Version entity data or None if was not found. """ versions = self.get_versions( project_name, product_ids=[product_id], versions=[version], active=None, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for version in versions: return version return None
[docs] def get_hero_version_by_id( self, project_name, version_id, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query hero version entity by id. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. version_id (int): Hero version id. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for versions. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Version entity data or None if was not found. """ versions = self.get_hero_versions( project_name, version_ids=[version_id], fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for version in versions: return version return None
[docs] def get_hero_version_by_product_id( self, project_name, product_id, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query hero version entity by product id. Only one hero version is available on a product. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. product_id (int): Product id. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for versions. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Version entity data or None if was not found. """ versions = self.get_hero_versions( project_name, product_ids=[product_id], fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for version in versions: return version return None
[docs] def get_hero_versions( self, project_name, product_ids=None, version_ids=None, active=True, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query hero versions by multiple filters. Only one hero version is available on a product. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for queried entities. product_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product ids. version_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Version ids. active (Optional[bool]): Receive active/inactive entities. Both are returned when 'None' is passed. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields that should be returned. All fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for versions. Returns: Union[dict, None]: Version entity data or None if was not found. """ return self.get_versions( project_name, version_ids=version_ids, product_ids=product_ids, hero=True, standard=False, active=active, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes )
[docs] def get_last_versions( self, project_name, product_ids, active=True, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query last version entities by product ids. Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for representation. product_ids (Iterable[str]): Product ids. active (Optional[bool]): Receive active/inactive entities. Both are returned when 'None' is passed. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): fields to be queried for representations. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for versions. Returns: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: Last versions by product id. """ if fields: fields = set(fields) fields.add("productId") versions = self.get_versions( project_name, product_ids=product_ids, latest=True, hero=False, active=active, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) return { version["productId"]: version for version in versions }
[docs] def get_last_version_by_product_id( self, project_name, product_id, active=True, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query last version entity by product id. Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for representation. product_id (str): Product id. active (Optional[bool]): Receive active/inactive entities. Both are returned when 'None' is passed. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): fields to be queried for representations. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for versions. Returns: Union[dict[str, Any], None]: Queried version entity or None. """ versions = self.get_versions( project_name, product_ids=[product_id], latest=True, hero=False, active=active, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for version in versions: return version return None
[docs] def get_last_version_by_product_name( self, project_name, product_name, folder_id, active=True, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query last version entity by product name and folder id. Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for representation. product_name (str): Product name. folder_id (str): Folder id. active (Optional[bool]): Receive active/inactive entities. Both are returned when 'None' is passed. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): fields to be queried for representations. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for representations. Returns: Union[dict[str, Any], None]: Queried version entity or None. """ if not folder_id: return None product = self.get_product_by_name( project_name, product_name, folder_id, fields={"id"} ) if not product: return None return self.get_last_version_by_product_id( project_name, product["id"], active=active, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes )
[docs] def version_is_latest(self, project_name, version_id): """Is version latest from a product. Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for representation. version_id (str): Version id. Returns: bool: Version is latest or not. """ query = GraphQlQuery("VersionIsLatest") project_name_var = query.add_variable( "projectName", "String!", project_name ) version_id_var = query.add_variable( "versionId", "String!", version_id ) project_query = query.add_field("project") project_query.set_filter("name", project_name_var) version_query = project_query.add_field("version") version_query.set_filter("id", version_id_var) product_query = version_query.add_field("product") latest_version_query = product_query.add_field("latestVersion") latest_version_query.add_field("id") parsed_data = query.query(self) latest_version = ( parsed_data["project"]["version"]["product"]["latestVersion"] ) return latest_version["id"] == version_id
[docs] def create_version( self, project_name, version, product_id, task_id=None, author=None, attrib=None, data=None, tags=None, status=None, active=None, thumbnail_id=None, version_id=None, ): """Create new version. Args: project_name (str): Project name. version (int): Version. product_id (str): Parent product id. task_id (Optional[str]): Parent task id. author (Optional[str]): Version author. attrib (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Version attributes. data (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Version data. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Version tags. status (Optional[str]): Version status. active (Optional[bool]): Version active state. thumbnail_id (Optional[str]): Version thumbnail id. version_id (Optional[str]): Version id. If not passed new id is generated. Returns: str: Version id. """ if not version_id: version_id = create_entity_id() create_data = { "id": version_id, "version": version, "productId": product_id, } for key, value in ( ("taskId", task_id), ("author", author), ("attrib", attrib), ("data", data), ("tags", tags), ("status", status), ("active", active), ("thumbnailId", thumbnail_id), ): if value is not None: create_data[key] = value response = "projects/{}/versions".format(project_name), **create_data ) response.raise_for_status() return version_id
[docs] def update_version( self, project_name, version_id, version=None, product_id=None, task_id=NOT_SET, author=None, attrib=None, data=None, tags=None, status=None, active=None, thumbnail_id=NOT_SET, ): """Update version entity on server. Do not pass ``task_id`` amd ``thumbnail_id`` if you don't want to change their values. Value ``None`` would unset their value. Update of ``data`` will override existing value on folder entity. Update of ``attrib`` does change only passed attributes. If you want to unset value, use ``None``. Args: project_name (str): Project name. version_id (str): Version id. version (Optional[int]): New version. product_id (Optional[str]): New product id. task_id (Optional[Union[str, None]]): New task id. author (Optional[str]): New author username. attrib (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New attributes. data (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New data. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): New tags. status (Optional[str]): New status. active (Optional[bool]): New active state. thumbnail_id (Optional[Union[str, None]]): New thumbnail id. """ update_data = {} for key, value in ( ("version", version), ("productId", product_id), ("taskId", task_id), ("attrib", attrib), ("data", data), ("tags", tags), ("status", status), ("active", active), ("author", author), ): if value is not None: update_data[key] = value for key, value in ( ("taskId", task_id), ("thumbnailId", thumbnail_id), ): if value is not NOT_SET: update_data[key] = value response = self.patch( "projects/{}/versions/{}".format(project_name, version_id), **update_data ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def delete_version(self, project_name, version_id): """Delete version. Args: project_name (str): Project name. version_id (str): Version id to delete. """ response = self.delete( "projects/{}/versions/{}".format(project_name, version_id) ) response.raise_for_status()
def _representation_conversion(self, representation): if "context" in representation: orig_context = representation["context"] context = {} if orig_context and orig_context != "null": context = json.loads(orig_context) representation["context"] = context repre_files = representation.get("files") if not repre_files: return for repre_file in repre_files: repre_file_size = repre_file.get("size") if repre_file_size is not None: repre_file["size"] = int(repre_file["size"])
[docs] def get_representations( self, project_name, representation_ids=None, representation_names=None, version_ids=None, names_by_version_ids=None, statuses=None, tags=None, active=True, has_links=None, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Get representation entities based on passed filters from server. .. todo:: Add separated function for 'names_by_version_ids' filtering. Because can't be combined with others. Args: project_name (str): Name of project where to look for versions. representation_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Representation ids used for representation filtering. representation_names (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Representation names used for representation filtering. version_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Version ids used for representation filtering. Versions are parents of representations. names_by_version_ids (Optional[bool]): Find representations by names and version ids. This filter discard all other filters. statuses (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Representation statuses used for filtering. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Representation tags used for filtering. active (Optional[bool]): Receive active/inactive entities. Both are returned when 'None' is passed. has_links (Optional[Literal[IN, OUT, ANY]]): Filter representations with IN/OUT/ANY links. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for representation. All possible fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for representations. Returns: Generator[dict[str, Any]]: Queried representation entities. """ if not fields: fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("representation") else: fields = set(fields) if "attrib" in fields: fields.remove("attrib") fields |= self.get_attributes_fields_for_type( "representation" ) use_rest = False if "data" in fields and not self.graphql_allows_data_in_query: use_rest = True fields = {"id"} if active is not None: fields.add("active") if own_attributes is not _PLACEHOLDER: warnings.warn( ( "'own_attributes' is not supported for representations. " "The argument will be removed form function signature in " "future (apx. version 1.0.10 or 1.1.0)." ), DeprecationWarning ) if "files" in fields: fields.discard("files") fields |= REPRESENTATION_FILES_FIELDS filters = { "projectName": project_name } if representation_ids is not None: representation_ids = set(representation_ids) if not representation_ids: return filters["representationIds"] = list(representation_ids) version_ids_filter = None representaion_names_filter = None if names_by_version_ids is not None: version_ids_filter = set() representaion_names_filter = set() for version_id, names in names_by_version_ids.items(): version_ids_filter.add(version_id) representaion_names_filter |= set(names) if not version_ids_filter or not representaion_names_filter: return else: if representation_names is not None: representaion_names_filter = set(representation_names) if not representaion_names_filter: return if version_ids is not None: version_ids_filter = set(version_ids) if not version_ids_filter: return if version_ids_filter: filters["versionIds"] = list(version_ids_filter) if representaion_names_filter: filters["representationNames"] = list(representaion_names_filter) if statuses is not None: statuses = set(statuses) if not statuses: return filters["representationStatuses"] = list(statuses) if tags is not None: tags = set(tags) if not tags: return filters["representationTags"] = list(tags) if has_links is not None: filters["representationHasLinks"] = has_links.upper() query = representations_graphql_query(fields) for attr, filter_value in filters.items(): query.set_variable_value(attr, filter_value) for parsed_data in query.continuous_query(self): for repre in parsed_data["project"]["representations"]: if active is not None and active is not repre["active"]: continue if use_rest: repre = self.get_rest_representation( project_name, repre["id"] ) else: self._convert_entity_data(repre) self._representation_conversion(repre) yield repre
[docs] def get_representation_by_id( self, project_name, representation_id, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query representation entity from server based on id filter. Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for representation. representation_id (str): Id of representation. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): fields to be queried for representations. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for representations. Returns: Union[dict[str, Any], None]: Queried representation entity or None. """ representations = self.get_representations( project_name, representation_ids=[representation_id], active=None, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for representation in representations: return representation return None
[docs] def get_representation_by_name( self, project_name, representation_name, version_id, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Query representation entity by name and version id. Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for representation. representation_name (str): Representation name. version_id (str): Version id. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): fields to be queried for representations. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for representations. Returns: Union[dict[str, Any], None]: Queried representation entity or None. """ representations = self.get_representations( project_name, representation_names=[representation_name], version_ids=[version_id], active=None, fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ) for representation in representations: return representation return None
[docs] def get_representations_hierarchy( self, project_name, representation_ids, project_fields=None, folder_fields=None, task_fields=None, product_fields=None, version_fields=None, representation_fields=None, ): """Find representation with parents by representation id. Representation entity with parent entities up to project. Default fields are used when any fields are set to `None`. But it is possible to pass in empty iterable (list, set, tuple) to skip entity. Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for entities. representation_ids (Iterable[str]): Representation ids. project_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Project fields. folder_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder fields. task_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task fields. product_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product fields. version_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Version fields. representation_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Representation fields. Returns: dict[str, RepresentationHierarchy]: Parent entities by representation id. """ if not representation_ids: return {} if project_fields is not None: project_fields = set(project_fields) project = {} if project_fields is None: project = self.get_project(project_name) elif project_fields: # Keep project as empty dictionary if does not have # filled any fields project = self.get_project( project_name, fields=project_fields ) repre_ids = set(representation_ids) output = { repre_id: RepresentationHierarchy( project, None, None, None, None, None ) for repre_id in representation_ids } if folder_fields is None: folder_fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("folder") else: folder_fields = set(folder_fields) if task_fields is None: task_fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("task") else: task_fields = set(task_fields) if product_fields is None: product_fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("product") else: product_fields = set(product_fields) if version_fields is None: version_fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("version") else: version_fields = set(version_fields) if representation_fields is None: representation_fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type( "representation" ) else: representation_fields = set(representation_fields) representation_fields.add("id") query = representations_hierarchy_qraphql_query( folder_fields, task_fields, product_fields, version_fields, representation_fields, ) query.set_variable_value("projectName", project_name) query.set_variable_value("representationIds", list(repre_ids)) parsed_data = query.query(self) for repre in parsed_data["project"]["representations"]: repre_id = repre["id"] version = repre.pop("version", {}) product = version.pop("product", {}) task = version.pop("task", None) folder = product.pop("folder", {}) self._convert_entity_data(repre) self._representation_conversion(repre) self._convert_entity_data(version) self._convert_entity_data(product) self._convert_entity_data(folder) if task: self._convert_entity_data(task) output[repre_id] = RepresentationHierarchy( project, folder, task, product, version, repre ) return output
[docs] def get_representation_hierarchy( self, project_name, representation_id, project_fields=None, folder_fields=None, task_fields=None, product_fields=None, version_fields=None, representation_fields=None, ): """Find representation parents by representation id. Representation parent entities up to project. Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for entities. representation_id (str): Representation id. project_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Project fields. folder_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder fields. task_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task fields. product_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product fields. version_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Version fields. representation_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Representation fields. Returns: RepresentationHierarchy: Representation hierarchy entities. """ if not representation_id: return None parents_by_repre_id = self.get_representations_hierarchy( project_name, [representation_id], project_fields=project_fields, folder_fields=folder_fields, task_fields=task_fields, product_fields=product_fields, version_fields=version_fields, representation_fields=representation_fields, ) return parents_by_repre_id[representation_id]
[docs] def get_representations_parents( self, project_name, representation_ids, project_fields=None, folder_fields=None, product_fields=None, version_fields=None, ): """Find representations parents by representation id. Representation parent entities up to project. Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for entities. representation_ids (Iterable[str]): Representation ids. project_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Project fields. folder_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder fields. product_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product fields. version_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Version fields. Returns: dict[str, RepresentationParents]: Parent entities by representation id. """ hierarchy_by_repre_id = self.get_representations_hierarchy( project_name, representation_ids, project_fields=project_fields, folder_fields=folder_fields, task_fields=set(), product_fields=product_fields, version_fields=version_fields, representation_fields={"id"}, ) return { repre_id: RepresentationParents( hierarchy.version, hierarchy.product, hierarchy.folder, hierarchy.project, ) for repre_id, hierarchy in hierarchy_by_repre_id.items() }
[docs] def get_representation_parents( self, project_name, representation_id, project_fields=None, folder_fields=None, product_fields=None, version_fields=None, ): """Find representation parents by representation id. Representation parent entities up to project. Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for entities. representation_id (str): Representation id. project_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Project fields. folder_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Folder fields. product_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Product fields. version_fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Version fields. Returns: RepresentationParents: Representation parent entities. """ if not representation_id: return None parents_by_repre_id = self.get_representations_parents( project_name, [representation_id], project_fields=project_fields, folder_fields=folder_fields, product_fields=product_fields, version_fields=version_fields, ) return parents_by_repre_id[representation_id]
[docs] def get_repre_ids_by_context_filters( self, project_name, context_filters, representation_names=None, version_ids=None ): """Find representation ids which match passed context filters. Each representation has context integrated on representation entity in database. The context may contain project, folder, task name or product name, product type and many more. This implementation gives option to quickly filter representation based on representation data in database. Context filters have defined structure. To define filter of nested subfield use dot '.' as delimiter (For example ''). Filter values can be regex filters. String or ``re.Pattern`` can be used. Args: project_name (str): Project where to look for representations. context_filters (dict[str, list[str]]): Filters of context fields. representation_names (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Representation names, can be used as additional filter for representations by their names. version_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Version ids, can be used as additional filter for representations by their parent ids. Returns: list[str]: Representation ids that match passed filters. Example: The function returns just representation ids so if entities are required for funtionality they must be queried afterwards by their ids. >>> project_name = "testProject" >>> filters = { ... "": ["[aA]nimation"], ... "product": [".*[Mm]ain"] ... } >>> repre_ids = get_repre_ids_by_context_filters( ... project_name, filters) >>> repres = get_representations(project_name, repre_ids) """ if not isinstance(context_filters, dict): raise TypeError( "Expected 'dict' got {}".format(str(type(context_filters))) ) filter_body = {} if representation_names is not None: if not representation_names: return [] filter_body["names"] = list(set(representation_names)) if version_ids is not None: if not version_ids: return [] filter_body["versionIds"] = list(set(version_ids)) body_context_filters = [] for key, filters in context_filters.items(): if not isinstance(filters, (set, list, tuple)): raise TypeError( "Expected 'set', 'list', 'tuple' got {}".format( str(type(filters)))) new_filters = set() for filter_value in filters: if isinstance(filter_value, PatternType): filter_value = filter_value.pattern new_filters.add(filter_value) body_context_filters.append({ "key": key, "values": list(new_filters) }) response = "projects/{}/repreContextFilter".format(project_name), context=body_context_filters, **filter_body ) response.raise_for_status() return["ids"]
[docs] def create_representation( self, project_name, name, version_id, files=None, attrib=None, data=None, tags=None, status=None, active=None, representation_id=None, ): """Create new representation. Args: project_name (str): Project name. name (str): Representation name. version_id (str): Parent version id. files (Optional[list[dict]]): Representation files information. attrib (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Representation attributes. data (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Representation data. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Representation tags. status (Optional[str]): Representation status. active (Optional[bool]): Representation active state. representation_id (Optional[str]): Representation id. If not passed new id is generated. Returns: str: Representation id. """ if not representation_id: representation_id = create_entity_id() create_data = { "id": representation_id, "name": name, "versionId": version_id, } for key, value in ( ("files", files), ("attrib", attrib), ("data", data), ("tags", tags), ("status", status), ("active", active), ): if value is not None: create_data[key] = value response = "projects/{}/representations".format(project_name), **create_data ) response.raise_for_status() return representation_id
[docs] def update_representation( self, project_name, representation_id, name=None, version_id=None, files=None, attrib=None, data=None, tags=None, status=None, active=None, ): """Update representation entity on server. Update of ``data`` will override existing value on folder entity. Update of ``attrib`` does change only passed attributes. If you want to unset value, use ``None``. Args: project_name (str): Project name. representation_id (str): Representation id. name (Optional[str]): New name. version_id (Optional[str]): New version id. files (Optional[list[dict]]): New files information. attrib (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New attributes. data (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): New data. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): New tags. status (Optional[str]): New status. active (Optional[bool]): New active state. """ update_data = {} for key, value in ( ("name", name), ("versionId", version_id), ("files", files), ("attrib", attrib), ("data", data), ("tags", tags), ("status", status), ("active", active), ): if value is not None: update_data[key] = value response = self.patch( "projects/{}/representations/{}".format( project_name, representation_id ), **update_data ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def delete_representation(self, project_name, representation_id): """Delete representation. Args: project_name (str): Project name. representation_id (str): Representation id to delete. """ response = self.delete( "projects/{}/representation/{}".format( project_name, representation_id ) ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def get_workfiles_info( self, project_name, workfile_ids=None, task_ids=None, paths=None, path_regex=None, statuses=None, tags=None, has_links=None, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Workfile info entities by passed filters. Args: project_name (str): Project under which the entity is located. workfile_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Workfile ids. task_ids (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Task ids. paths (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Rootless workfiles paths. path_regex (Optional[str]): Regex filter for workfile path. statuses (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Workfile info statuses used for filtering. tags (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Workfile info tags used for filtering. has_links (Optional[Literal[IN, OUT, ANY]]): Filter representations with IN/OUT/ANY links. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for representation. All possible fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for workfiles. Returns: Generator[dict[str, Any]]: Queried workfile info entites. """ filters = {"projectName": project_name} if task_ids is not None: task_ids = set(task_ids) if not task_ids: return filters["taskIds"] = list(task_ids) if paths is not None: paths = set(paths) if not paths: return filters["paths"] = list(paths) if path_regex is not None: filters["workfilePathRegex"] = path_regex if workfile_ids is not None: workfile_ids = set(workfile_ids) if not workfile_ids: return filters["workfileIds"] = list(workfile_ids) if statuses is not None: statuses = set(statuses) if not statuses: return filters["workfileStatuses"] = list(statuses) if tags is not None: tags = set(tags) if not tags: return filters["workfileTags"] = list(tags) if has_links is not None: filters["workfilehasLinks"] = has_links.upper() if not fields: fields = self.get_default_fields_for_type("workfile") fields = set(fields) if "attrib" in fields: fields.remove("attrib") fields |= { "attrib.{}".format(attr) for attr in self.get_attributes_for_type("workfile") } if own_attributes is not _PLACEHOLDER: warnings.warn( ( "'own_attributes' is not supported for workfiles. The" " argument will be removed form function signature in" " future (apx. version 1.0.10 or 1.1.0)." ), DeprecationWarning ) query = workfiles_info_graphql_query(fields) for attr, filter_value in filters.items(): query.set_variable_value(attr, filter_value) for parsed_data in query.continuous_query(self): for workfile_info in parsed_data["project"]["workfiles"]: self._convert_entity_data(workfile_info) yield workfile_info
[docs] def get_workfile_info( self, project_name, task_id, path, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Workfile info entity by task id and workfile path. Args: project_name (str): Project under which the entity is located. task_id (str): Task id. path (str): Rootless workfile path. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for representation. All possible fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for workfiles. Returns: Union[dict[str, Any], None]: Workfile info entity or None. """ if not task_id or not path: return None for workfile_info in self.get_workfiles_info( project_name, task_ids=[task_id], paths=[path], fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ): return workfile_info return None
[docs] def get_workfile_info_by_id( self, project_name, workfile_id, fields=None, own_attributes=_PLACEHOLDER ): """Workfile info entity by id. Args: project_name (str): Project under which the entity is located. workfile_id (str): Workfile info id. fields (Optional[Iterable[str]]): Fields to be queried for representation. All possible fields are returned if 'None' is passed. own_attributes (Optional[bool]): DEPRECATED: Not supported for workfiles. Returns: Union[dict[str, Any], None]: Workfile info entity or None. """ if not workfile_id: return None for workfile_info in self.get_workfiles_info( project_name, workfile_ids=[workfile_id], fields=fields, own_attributes=own_attributes ): return workfile_info return None
def _prepare_thumbnail_content(self, project_name, response): content = None content_type = response.content_type # It is expected the response contains thumbnail id otherwise the # content cannot be cached and filepath returned thumbnail_id = response.headers.get("X-Thumbnail-Id") if thumbnail_id is not None: content = response.content return ThumbnailContent( project_name, thumbnail_id, content, content_type )
[docs] def get_thumbnail_by_id(self, project_name, thumbnail_id): """Get thumbnail from server by id. Permissions of thumbnails are related to entities so thumbnails must be queried per entity. So an entity type and entity type is required to be passed. Notes: It is recommended to use one of prepared entity type specific methods 'get_folder_thumbnail', 'get_version_thumbnail' or 'get_workfile_thumbnail'. We do recommend pass thumbnail id if you have access to it. Each entity that allows thumbnails has 'thumbnailId' field, so it can be queried. Args: project_name (str): Project under which the entity is located. thumbnail_id (Optional[str]): DEPRECATED Use 'get_thumbnail_by_id'. Returns: ThumbnailContent: Thumbnail content wrapper. Does not have to be valid. """ response = self.raw_get( "projects/{}/thumbnails/{}".format( project_name, thumbnail_id ) ) return self._prepare_thumbnail_content(project_name, response)
[docs] def get_thumbnail( self, project_name, entity_type, entity_id, thumbnail_id=None ): """Get thumbnail from server. Permissions of thumbnails are related to entities so thumbnails must be queried per entity. So an entity type and entity type is required to be passed. Notes: It is recommended to use one of prepared entity type specific methods 'get_folder_thumbnail', 'get_version_thumbnail' or 'get_workfile_thumbnail'. We do recommend pass thumbnail id if you have access to it. Each entity that allows thumbnails has 'thumbnailId' field, so it can be queried. Args: project_name (str): Project under which the entity is located. entity_type (str): Entity type which passed entity id represents. entity_id (str): Entity id for which thumbnail should be returned. thumbnail_id (Optional[str]): DEPRECATED Use 'get_thumbnail_by_id'. Returns: ThumbnailContent: Thumbnail content wrapper. Does not have to be valid. """ if thumbnail_id: return self.get_thumbnail_by_id(project_name, thumbnail_id) if entity_type in ( "folder", "version", "workfile", ): entity_type += "s" response = self.raw_get("projects/{}/{}/{}/thumbnail".format( project_name, entity_type, entity_id )) return self._prepare_thumbnail_content(project_name, response)
[docs] def get_folder_thumbnail( self, project_name, folder_id, thumbnail_id=None ): """Prepared method to receive thumbnail for folder entity. Args: project_name (str): Project under which the entity is located. folder_id (str): Folder id for which thumbnail should be returned. thumbnail_id (Optional[str]): Prepared thumbnail id from entity. Used only to check if thumbnail was already cached. Returns: Union[str, None]: Path to downloaded thumbnail or none if entity does not have any (or if user does not have permissions). """ return self.get_thumbnail( project_name, "folder", folder_id, thumbnail_id )
[docs] def get_version_thumbnail( self, project_name, version_id, thumbnail_id=None ): """Prepared method to receive thumbnail for version entity. Args: project_name (str): Project under which the entity is located. version_id (str): Version id for which thumbnail should be returned. thumbnail_id (Optional[str]): Prepared thumbnail id from entity. Used only to check if thumbnail was already cached. Returns: Union[str, None]: Path to downloaded thumbnail or none if entity does not have any (or if user does not have permissions). """ return self.get_thumbnail( project_name, "version", version_id, thumbnail_id )
[docs] def get_workfile_thumbnail( self, project_name, workfile_id, thumbnail_id=None ): """Prepared method to receive thumbnail for workfile entity. Args: project_name (str): Project under which the entity is located. workfile_id (str): Worfile id for which thumbnail should be returned. thumbnail_id (Optional[str]): Prepared thumbnail id from entity. Used only to check if thumbnail was already cached. Returns: Union[str, None]: Path to downloaded thumbnail or none if entity does not have any (or if user does not have permissions). """ return self.get_thumbnail( project_name, "workfile", workfile_id, thumbnail_id )
def _get_thumbnail_mime_type(self, thumbnail_path): """Get thumbnail mime type on thumbnail creation based on source path. Args: thumbnail_path (str): Path to thumbnail source fie. Returns: str: Mime type used for thumbnail creation. Raises: ValueError: Mime type cannot be determined. """ ext = os.path.splitext(thumbnail_path)[-1].lower() if ext == ".png": return "image/png" elif ext in (".jpeg", ".jpg"): return "image/jpeg" raise ValueError( "Thumbnail source file has unknown extensions {}".format(ext))
[docs] def create_thumbnail(self, project_name, src_filepath, thumbnail_id=None): """Create new thumbnail on server from passed path. Args: project_name (str): Project where the thumbnail will be created and can be used. src_filepath (str): Filepath to thumbnail which should be uploaded. thumbnail_id (Optional[str]): Prepared if of thumbnail. Returns: str: Created thumbnail id. Raises: ValueError: When thumbnail source cannot be processed. """ if not os.path.exists(src_filepath): raise ValueError("Entered filepath does not exist.") if thumbnail_id: self.update_thumbnail( project_name, thumbnail_id, src_filepath ) return thumbnail_id mime_type = self._get_thumbnail_mime_type(src_filepath) response = self.upload_file( "projects/{}/thumbnails".format(project_name), src_filepath,, headers={"Content-Type": mime_type}, ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()["id"]
[docs] def update_thumbnail(self, project_name, thumbnail_id, src_filepath): """Change thumbnail content by id. Update can be also used to create new thumbnail. Args: project_name (str): Project where the thumbnail will be created and can be used. thumbnail_id (str): Thumbnail id to update. src_filepath (str): Filepath to thumbnail which should be uploaded. Raises: ValueError: When thumbnail source cannot be processed. """ if not os.path.exists(src_filepath): raise ValueError("Entered filepath does not exist.") mime_type = self._get_thumbnail_mime_type(src_filepath) response = self.upload_file( "projects/{}/thumbnails/{}".format(project_name, thumbnail_id), src_filepath, request_type=RequestTypes.put, headers={"Content-Type": mime_type}, ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def create_project( self, project_name, project_code, library_project=False, preset_name=None ): """Create project using AYON settings. This project creation function is not validating project entity on creation. It is because project entity is created blindly with only minimum required information about project which is name and code. Entered project name must be unique and project must not exist yet. Note: This function is here to be OP v4 ready but in v3 has more logic to do. That's why inner imports are in the body. Args: project_name (str): New project name. Should be unique. project_code (str): Project's code should be unique too. library_project (Optional[bool]): Project is library project. preset_name (Optional[str]): Name of anatomy preset. Default is used if not passed. Raises: ValueError: When project name already exists. Returns: dict[str, Any]: Created project entity. """ if self.get_project(project_name): raise ValueError("Project with name \"{}\" already exists".format( project_name )) if not PROJECT_NAME_REGEX.match(project_name): raise ValueError(( "Project name \"{}\" contain invalid characters" ).format(project_name)) preset = self.get_project_anatomy_preset(preset_name) result = "projects", name=project_name, code=project_code, anatomy=preset, library=library_project ) if result.status != 201: details = "Unknown details ({})".format(result.status) if details ="detail") or details raise ValueError("Failed to create project \"{}\": {}".format( project_name, details )) return self.get_project(project_name)
[docs] def update_project( self, project_name, library=None, folder_types=None, task_types=None, link_types=None, statuses=None, tags=None, config=None, attrib=None, data=None, active=None, project_code=None, **changes ): """Update project entity on server. Args: project_name (str): Name of project. library (Optional[bool]): Change library state. folder_types (Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]]): Folder type definitions. task_types (Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]]): Task type definitions. link_types (Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]]): Link type definitions. statuses (Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]]): Status definitions. tags (Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]]): List of tags available to set on entities. config (Optional[dict[dict[str, Any]]]): Project anatomy config with templates and roots. attrib (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Project attributes to change. data (Optional[dict[str, Any]]): Custom data of a project. This value will 100% override project data. active (Optional[bool]): Change active state of a project. project_code (Optional[str]): Change project code. Not recommended during production. **changes: Other changed keys based on Rest API documentation. """ changes.update({ key: value for key, value in ( ("library", library), ("folderTypes", folder_types), ("taskTypes", task_types), ("linkTypes", link_types), ("statuses", statuses), ("tags", tags), ("config", config), ("attrib", attrib), ("data", data), ("active", active), ("code", project_code), ) if value is not None }) response = self.patch( "projects/{}".format(project_name), **changes ) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def delete_project(self, project_name): """Delete project from server. This will completely remove project from server without any step back. Args: project_name (str): Project name that will be removed. """ if not self.get_project(project_name): raise ValueError("Project with name \"{}\" was not found".format( project_name )) result = self.delete("projects/{}".format(project_name)) if result.status_code != 204: raise ValueError( "Failed to delete project \"{}\". {}".format( project_name,["detail"] ) )
# --- Links --- def _prepare_link_filters( self, filters, link_types, link_direction, link_names, link_name_regex ): """Add links filters for GraphQl queries. Args: filters (dict[str, Any]): Object where filters will be added. link_types (Union[Iterable[str], None]): Link types filters. link_direction (Union[Literal["in", "out"], None]): Direction of link "in", "out" or 'None' for both. link_names (Union[Iterable[str], None]): Link name filters. link_name_regex (Union[str, None]): Regex filter for link name. Returns: bool: Links are valid, and query from server can happen. """ if link_types is not None: link_types = set(link_types) if not link_types: return False filters["linkTypes"] = list(link_types) if link_names is not None: link_names = set(link_names) if not link_names: return False filters["linkNames"] = list(link_names) if link_direction is not None: if link_direction not in ("in", "out"): return False filters["linkDirection"] = link_direction if link_name_regex is not None: filters["linkNameRegex"] = link_name_regex return True # --- Batch operations processing ---
[docs] def send_batch_operations( self, project_name, operations, can_fail=False, raise_on_fail=True ): """Post multiple CRUD operations to server. When multiple changes should be made on server side this is the best way to go. It is possible to pass multiple operations to process on a server side and do the changes in a transaction. Args: project_name (str): On which project should be operations processed. operations (list[dict[str, Any]]): Operations to be processed. can_fail (Optional[bool]): Server will try to process all operations even if one of them fails. raise_on_fail (Optional[bool]): Raise exception if an operation fails. You can handle failed operations on your own when set to 'False'. Raises: ValueError: Operations can't be converted to json string. FailedOperations: When output does not contain server operations or 'raise_on_fail' is enabled and any operation fails. Returns: list[dict[str, Any]]: Operations result with process details. """ if not operations: return [] body_by_id = {} operations_body = [] for operation in operations: if not operation: continue op_id = operation.get("id") if not op_id: op_id = create_entity_id() operation["id"] = op_id try: body = json.loads( json.dumps(operation, default=entity_data_json_default) ) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("Couldn't json parse body: {}".format( json.dumps( operation, indent=4, default=failed_json_default ) )) body_by_id[op_id] = body operations_body.append(body) if not operations_body: return [] result = "projects/{}/operations".format(project_name), operations=operations_body, canFail=can_fail ) op_results = result.get("operations") if op_results is None: raise FailedOperations( "Operation failed. Content: {}".format(str(result)) ) if result.get("success") or not raise_on_fail: return op_results for op_result in op_results: if not op_result["success"]: operation_id = op_result["id"] raise FailedOperations(( "Operation \"{}\" failed with data:\n{}\nDetail: {}." ).format( operation_id, json.dumps(body_by_id[operation_id], indent=4), op_result["detail"], )) return op_results
def _convert_entity_data(self, entity): if not entity or "data" not in entity: return entity_data = entity["data"] or {} if isinstance(entity_data, str): entity_data = json.loads(entity_data) entity["data"] = entity_data