AYON Cpp Api  0.1.0
No Matches
Getting Started

This Project is build to be included via Cmake.
The main way to interact with the build system and the testing setup is handled via the Ayon automator.
This allows us to implement extensive tests while still allowing for an easy Cli user interface.

General Info's about the project and Setup.

After cloing the repo you first want to run python AyonBuild.py setup as with all other Ayon automator projects this will setup the project.

After that we have a few stage Groups predefined that are worth running.

python AyonBuild.py runStageGRP CleanBuild
executes a Clean build, Removes the build and install dir before running the clean Cmake Commands

python AyonBuild.py runStageGRP CleanBuildAndDocs
the same as CleanBuild but also generates the documentation

python AyonBuild.py runStageGRP BuildAndTest
this will build the cpp api using the cmake cache and then runs all the tests

python AyonBuild.py runStageGRP CleanBuildAndTest
the same as CleanBuild but runs the tests

python AyonBuild.py runStageGRP BuildAndBnech
this will build the cpp api using the cmake cache and then runs all the Benchmark's

python AyonBuild.py runStageGRP CleanBuildAndBnech
the same as CleanBuild but runs the Benchmark's

python AyonBuild.py execSingleStage DocumentationGen only generates the documentation using doxygen


Most projects will include Ayon Cpp Api as a CMake sub project. we build the Api as a static library for performance and ease of use.

target_link_libraries(Your-Project AyonCppApi)

Developing for this tool set


When developing for this tool we try to follow the idea of Red Green development by first building a test that fails and then implementing the system that solves the test case.

We try to keep everything we work on in GH issues and create branches from that. There are 3 Issue Options.

  • Bug Report
  • Feature Request
  • Proposal

Feel free to use what every fits the scale of work you want to do but if you work on a bigger feature that holds quite a bit of complexity a Proposal would be important so that we can debate if the technical approach to the idea can be implemented this way, it also allows us to go back to older proposals and see what and why we decided for specific solutions.


We try to have the maximum test coverage so if you find an edge case it might be worth implementing a test case just for that even if you know that the edge case is already solved.

Currently all tests live in the GTestMain.cpp file this is about to change in the near future and we will build tests similar to how we do it in the AyonDevTools