Source code for lablib.processors.ayon_ociolook_file

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging

from typing import List
from pathlib import Path
import PyOpenColorIO as OCIO

from ..operators import AYONOCIOLookProduct

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class AYONOCIOLookFileProcessor(object): """Class for processing an AYON OCIO Look file. Arguments: filepath (Path): Path to the OCIO Look file. Attributes: operator (AYONOCIOLookProduct): The OCIO Look operator. """ filepath: Path operator: AYONOCIOLookProduct def __init__(self, filepath: Path) -> None: self.filepath = filepath self.load()
[docs] def load(self) -> None: """Load the OCIO Look file. Note: This globs all relative files recursively so we can make sure files in transforms are having correct path. Attention: This method clears the operator before loading the file. """ self.operator = None # clear operator ociolook_file_path = self.filepath.resolve().as_posix() # get all relative files recursively so we can make sure files in # transforms are having correct path all_relative_files = { f for f in Path(self.filepath.parent).rglob("*")} with open(ociolook_file_path, "r") as f: ops_data = json.load(f) schema_data_version = ops_data.get("version", 1) if schema_data_version != 1: raise ValueError( f"Schema data version {schema_data_version} is not supported" ) # INFO: This is a temporary fix to handle the case where # the filepath is not found in the data # add all relative files to the data for item in ops_data["data"]["ocioLookItems"]: self._sanitize_file_path(item, all_relative_files) self.operator = AYONOCIOLookProduct.from_node_data(ops_data["data"])
[docs] def get_oiiotool_cmd(self) -> List[str]: """Get arguments for the OIIO command.""" args = [] for xfm in self.operator.to_ocio_obj(): if isinstance(xfm, OCIO.FileTransform): lut = Path(xfm.getSrc()).resolve() args.extend(["--ociofiletransform", f"{lut.as_posix()}"]) if isinstance(xfm, OCIO.ColorSpaceTransform): args.extend(["--colorconvert", xfm.getSrc(), xfm.getDst()]) return args
def _sanitize_file_path(self, repre_data: dict, all_relative_files: dict) -> None: # noqa: E501 extension = repre_data["ext"] for file, path in all_relative_files.items(): if file.endswith(extension): repre_data["file"] = path.resolve().as_posix() break if not repre_data.get("file"): log.warning(f"File not found: {repre_data['name']}.{repre_data['ext']}.")