Source code for lablib.operators.color

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import PyOpenColorIO as OCIO

def get_direction(direction: Union[str, int]) -> int:
    """Get the direction for OCIO FileTransform.

        direction (Union[str, int]): The direction.

        int: The direction.
    if direction == "inverse":
        return OCIO.TransformDirection.TRANSFORM_DIR_INVERSE
    return OCIO.TransformDirection.TRANSFORM_DIR_FORWARD

def get_interpolation(interpolation: str) -> int:
    if interpolation == "linear":
        return OCIO.Interpolation.INTERP_LINEAR
    elif interpolation == "best":
        return OCIO.Interpolation.INTERP_BEST
    elif interpolation == "nearest":
        return OCIO.Interpolation.INTERP_NEAREST
    elif interpolation == "tetrahedral":
        return OCIO.Interpolation.INTERP_TETRAHEDRAL
    elif interpolation == "cubic":
        return OCIO.Interpolation.INTERP_CUBIC
    return OCIO.Interpolation.INTERP_DEFAULT

[docs] @dataclass class OCIOFileTransform: """Class for handling OCIO FileTransform effects. Note: Reads Foundry Hiero Timeline soft effect node class. Attributes: file (str): Path to the LUT file. cccid (str): Path to the cccid file. direction (int): The direction. Defaults to 0. interpolation (str): The interpolation. Defaults to "linear". """ file: str = "" cccid: str = "" direction: int = 0 interpolation: str = "linear"
[docs] def to_ocio_obj(self) -> List[OCIO.FileTransform]: """Converts the object to native OCIO object. Returns: List[OCIO.FileTransform]: The OCIO FileTransform object in a list. """ # define direction direction = get_direction(self.direction) # define interpolation interpolation = get_interpolation(self.interpolation) return [ OCIO.FileTransform( src=Path(self.file).as_posix(), cccId=self.cccid, direction=direction, interpolation=interpolation, ) ]
[docs] @classmethod def from_node_data(cls, data) -> "OCIOFileTransform": """Create :obj:`OCIOFileTransform` from node data. Note: Reads Foundry Hiero Timeline soft effect node data. Would it be cool if we'd had a way to interface other DCC node data? Would they even be so much different? Args: data (dict): The node data. List of expected but not required keys: - file (str): Path to the LUT file. - cccid (str): Path to the cccid file. - direction (int): The direction. Defaults to 0. - interpolation (str): The interpolation. Defaults to "linear". Returns: OCIOFileTransform: The OCIOFileTransform object. """ return cls( file=data.get("file", ""), cccid=data.get("cccid", ""), direction=data.get("direction", 0), interpolation=data.get("interpolation", "linear"), )
[docs] @dataclass class OCIOColorSpace: """Foundry Hiero Timeline soft effect node class. Attributes: in_colorspace (str): The input colorspace. Defaults to "ACES - ACEScg". out_colorspace (str): The output colorspace. Defaults to "ACES - ACEScg". """ in_colorspace: str = "ACES - ACEScg" out_colorspace: str = "ACES - ACEScg"
[docs] def to_ocio_obj(self) -> List[OCIO.ColorSpaceTransform]: """Returns native OCIO ColorSpaceTransform object. Returns: List[OCIO.ColorSpaceTransform]: The OCIO ColorSpaceTransform object in a list. """ return [ OCIO.ColorSpaceTransform( src=self.in_colorspace, dst=self.out_colorspace, ) ]
[docs] @classmethod def from_node_data(cls, data) -> "OCIOColorSpace": """Create :obj:`OCIOColorSpace` from node data. Arguments: data (dict): The node data. Returns: OCIOColorSpace: """ return cls( in_colorspace=data.get("in_colorspace", ""), out_colorspace=data.get("out_colorspace", ""), )
[docs] @dataclass class OCIOCDLTransform: """Foundry Hiero Timeline soft effect node class. Note: Since this node class combines two of OCIO classes (FileTransform and CDLTransform), we will separate them here within :obj:`OCIOCDLTransform.to_ocio_obj()`. Attributes: file (Optional[str]): Path to the LUT file. direction (int): The direction. Defaults to 0. cccid (str): The cccid. Defaults to "". offset (List[float]): The offset. Defaults to [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]. power (List[float]): The power. Defaults to [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]. slope (List[float]): The slope. Defaults to [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]. saturation (float): The saturation. Defaults to 1.0. interpolation (str): The interpolation. Defaults to "linear". """ file: Optional[str] = None direction: int = 0 cccid: str = "" offset: List[float] = field(default_factory=lambda: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) power: List[float] = field(default_factory=lambda: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) slope: List[float] = field(default_factory=lambda: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) saturation: float = 1.0 interpolation: str = "linear"
[docs] def to_ocio_obj(self) -> List[Union[OCIO.FileTransform, OCIO.CDLTransform]]: # noqa: E501 """Returns native OCIO FileTransform and CDLTransform object. Returns: List[Union[OCIO.FileTransform, OCIO.CDLTransform]]: The OCIO CDLTransform and FileTransform object in a list. If file is not provided, only CDLTransform will be returned. """ effects = [] # define direction direction = get_direction(self.direction) if self.file: # define interpolation interpolation = get_interpolation(self.interpolation) lut_file = Path(self.file) effects.append( OCIO.FileTransform( src=lut_file.as_posix(), cccId=self.cccid, interpolation=interpolation, direction=direction, ) ) effects.append( OCIO.CDLTransform( slope=self.slope, offset=self.offset, power=self.power, sat=self.saturation, direction=direction, ) ) return effects
[docs] @classmethod def from_node_data(cls, data) -> "OCIOCDLTransform": """Create :obj:`OCIOCDLTransform` from node data. Args: data (dict): The node data. List of expected but not required keys: - file (str): Path to the LUT file. - direction (int): The direction. Defaults to 0. - cccid (str): The cccid. Defaults to "". - offset (List[float]): The offset. Defaults to [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]. - power (List[float]): The power. Defaults to [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]. - slope (List[float]): The slope. Defaults to [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]. - saturation (float): The saturation. Defaults to 1.0. - interpolation (str): The interpolation. Defaults to "linear". Returns: OCIOCDLTransform: The OCIOCDLTransform object. """ if data.get("file"): return cls( file=data.get("file", ""), interpolation=data.get("interpolation", "linear"), direction=data.get("direction", 0), offset=data.get("offset", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), power=data.get("power", [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), slope=data.get("slope", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), saturation=data.get("saturation", 1.0), cccid=data.get("cccid", ""), ) else: return cls( direction=data.get("direction", 0), offset=data.get("offset", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), power=data.get("power", [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), slope=data.get("slope", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), saturation=data.get("saturation", 1.0), )
[docs] @dataclass class AYONOCIOLookProduct: """AYON ocioLook product dataclass This class will hold all the necessary data for the ocioLook product, so it can be covered into FileTransform and ColorSpaceTransform during :obj:`AYONOCIOLookProduct.to_ocio_obj()` method. .. admonition:: Example of input data .. code-block:: { "ocioLookItems": [ { "name": "LUTfile", "file: "path/to/lut.cube", # currently created via processor "ext": "cube", "input_colorspace": { "colorspace": "Output - sRGB", "name": "color_picking", "type": "roles" }, "output_colorspace": { "colorspace": "ACES - ACEScc", "name": "color_timing", "type": "roles" }, "direction": "forward", "interpolation": "tetrahedral", "config_data": { "path": "path/to/config.ocio", "template": "{BUILTIN_OCIO_ROOT}/aces_1.2/config.ocio", "colorspace": "compositing_linear" }, }, ], "ocioLookWorkingSpace": { "colorspace": "ACES - ACEScg", "name": "compositing_linear", "type": "roles" }, }, Attributes: ocioLookItems (List[dict]): List of ocioLook items. ocioLookWorkingSpace (dict): The working space. """ ocioLookItems: List[dict] = field(default_factory=list) ocioLookWorkingSpace: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def to_ocio_obj(self) -> List[Union[OCIO.ColorSpaceTransform, OCIO.FileTransform]]: # noqa: E501 """Converts to list of native OCIO objects. Returns: List[Union[OCIO.ColorSpaceTransform, OCIO.FileTransform]]: The OCIO ColorSpaceTransform and FileTransform objects in a list. The order of the objects is based on the order of the items in :attr:`ocioLookItems`. """ look_working_colorspace = self.ocioLookWorkingSpace["colorspace"] all_transformations = [] for index, item in enumerate(self.ocioLookItems): filepath = item["file"] lut_in_colorspace = item["input_colorspace"]["colorspace"] lut_out_colorspace = item["output_colorspace"]["colorspace"] direction = item["direction"] interpolation = item["interpolation"] if index == 0: # set the first colorspace as the current working colorspace current_working_colorspace = look_working_colorspace if current_working_colorspace != lut_in_colorspace: all_transformations.append( OCIO.ColorSpaceTransform( src=current_working_colorspace, dst=lut_in_colorspace, ) ) all_transformations.append( OCIO.FileTransform( src=Path(filepath).as_posix(), interpolation=get_interpolation(interpolation), direction=get_direction(direction), ) ) current_working_colorspace = lut_out_colorspace # making sure we are back in the working colorspace if current_working_colorspace != look_working_colorspace: all_transformations.append( OCIO.ColorSpaceTransform( src=current_working_colorspace, dst=look_working_colorspace, ) ) return all_transformations
[docs] @classmethod def from_node_data(cls, data) -> "AYONOCIOLookProduct": """Create :obj:`AYONOCIOLookProduct` from node data. Arguments: data (dict): The node data. Returns: AYONOCIOLookProduct: The AYONOCIOLookProduct object. """ return cls( ocioLookItems=data.get("ocioLookItems", []), ocioLookWorkingSpace=data.get("ocioLookWorkingSpace", {}), )