Source code for lablib.lib.imageio

"""Module providing classes for handling image metadata and sequences."""

from __future__ import annotations

import re
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import opentimelineio.opentime as opentime

from . import utils

    "width": 1920,
    "height": 1080,
    "channels": 3,
    "fps": 24.0,
    "par": 1.0,
    "timecode": "00:00:00:00",
    "origin_x": 0,
    "origin_y": 0,
    "display_width": 1920,
    "display_height": 1080,

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class ImageInfo: """A dataclass for reading image metadata. Note: All attributes are optional and will be set from calling ``iinfo`` and ``ffprobe`` in :obj:`ImageInfo.update()` if found. Defaults are set if not found and set by user. See the next example for defaults. .. admonition:: Example with Defaults .. code-block:: python image = ImageInfo( path=Path("path/to/image.exr"), width = 1920 height = 1080 channels = 3 fps = 24.0 par = 1.0 timecode = "00:00:00:00" origin_x = 0 origin_y = 0 display_width = 1920 display_height = 1080 ) Attributes: path(Path): Path to the image file. width(Optional[int]): Image width. height(Optional[int]): Image height. origin_x(Optional[int]): Origin x position. origin_y(Optional[int]): Origin y position. display_width(Optional[int]): Display width. display_height(Optional[int]): Display height. par(Optional[float]): Pixel aspect ratio. channels(Optional[int]): Number of channels. fps(Optional[float]): Frames per second. timecode(Optional[str]): Timecode. """ path: Path = field(default_factory=Path) # fmt: off width: int = field( default=IMAGE_INFO_DEFAULTS["width"], init=False, repr=True) height: int = field( default=IMAGE_INFO_DEFAULTS["height"], init=False, repr=True) origin_x: int = field( default=IMAGE_INFO_DEFAULTS["origin_x"], init=False, repr=False) origin_y: int = field( default=IMAGE_INFO_DEFAULTS["origin_y"], init=False, repr=False) display_width: int = field( default=IMAGE_INFO_DEFAULTS["display_width"], init=False, repr=False) display_height: int = field( default=IMAGE_INFO_DEFAULTS["display_height"], init=False, repr=False) par: float = field( default=IMAGE_INFO_DEFAULTS["par"], init=False, repr=False) channels: int = field( default=IMAGE_INFO_DEFAULTS["channels"], init=False, repr=True) fps: float = field( default=IMAGE_INFO_DEFAULTS["fps"], init=False, repr=False) timecode: str = field( default=IMAGE_INFO_DEFAULTS["timecode"], init=False, repr=False) # fmt: on def __post_init__(self): """Post init function for ImageInfo class. Checks if path is set and calls update. Raises: ValueError if path is not set. """ if not self.path: raise ValueError("ImageInfo needs to be initialized with a path") self.update() def __gt__(self, other: ImageInfo) -> bool: return self.frame_number > other.frame_number def __lt__(self, other: ImageInfo) -> bool: return self.frame_number < other.frame_number
[docs] def update(self, force_ffprobe: Optional[bool] = False) -> None: """Updates metadata by calling iinfo and ffprobe. Attention: During testing it was found that ``ffprobe`` reported different framerates on different systems. Therefore we added the ``force_ffprobe=False`` flag to silently disable ``ffprobe``. Arguments: force_ffprobe (Optional[bool]): whether to override attributes with ``ffprobe`` output if found. """ iinfo_res = utils.call_iinfo(self.path) ffprobe_res = utils.call_ffprobe(self.path) for k, v in iinfo_res.items(): if not v: continue if ffprobe_res.get(k) and force_ffprobe: v = ffprobe_res[k] setattr(self, k, v)
@property def filename(self) -> str: """:obj:`str`: The image file name including extension.""" return @property def rational_time(self) -> opentime.RationalTime: """:obj:`opentime.RationalTime`: Retrieved from :obj:`ImageInfo.timecode` using otio library.""" if not all([self.timecode, self.fps]): raise Exception("no timecode and fps found") return opentime.from_timecode(self.timecode, self.fps) @property def frame_number(self) -> int: """:obj:`int`: Retrieved from the filename by using regex lookup. Note: The regex could use a little love to be more robust. Filename should be something like ``filename.0001.exr``. """ if not self.filename: raise Exception("needs filename for querying frame number") matches = re.findall(r"\.(\d+)\.", self.filename) if len(matches) > 1: raise ValueError("can't handle multiple found frame numbers") result = int(matches[0]) return result @property def extension(self) -> str: """:obj:`str`: The file extension.""" return self.path.suffix @property def name(self) -> str: """:obj:`str`: The file name with extension. Note: Used in SequenceInfo but could become obsolete in favor for `filename`. """ return f"{self.path.stem}{self.path.suffix}" @property def filepath(self) -> str: """:obj:`str`: The file path as posix string.""" return self.path.resolve().as_posix()
[docs] @dataclass class SequenceInfo: """Class for handling image sequences by using instances of `ImageInfo`. Hint: If you want to scan a directory for image sequences, you can use the ``scan`` classmethod. Attributes: path Any[Path, str]: Path to the image sequence directory. imageinfos List[ImageInfo]: List of all files as `ImageInfo` to be used. """ path: Path = field(default_factory=Path) imageinfos: List[ImageInfo] = field(default_factory=list) def __post_init__(self): if not all([self.path, self.imageinfos]): raise ValueError( "SequenceInfo needs to be initialized with path and imageinfos" )
[docs] @classmethod def scan(cls, directory: str | Path) -> List[SequenceInfo]: """Scan a directory for a list of images. Attention: Currently only supports EXR files. Needs to be extended and tested for other formats. Arguments: directory (Any[str, Path]): Path to the directory to be scanned. Returns: List[SequenceInfo]: List of all found sequences. """"Scanning {directory}") if not isinstance(directory, Path): directory = Path(directory) if not directory.is_dir(): raise NotImplementedError(f"{directory} is no directory") files_map: Dict[Path, ImageInfo] = {} for item in directory.iterdir(): if not item.is_file(): continue if item.suffix not in (".exr"): log.warning(f"{item.suffix} not in (.exr)") continue _parts = item.stem.split(".") if len(_parts) > 2: log.warning(f"{_parts = }") continue seq_key = Path(item.parent, _parts[0]) if seq_key not in files_map.keys(): files_map[seq_key] = [] files_map[seq_key].append(ImageInfo(item)) return [ cls(path=seq_key.parent, imageinfos=seq_files) for seq_key, seq_files in files_map.items() ]
@property def frames(self) -> List[int]: """:obj:`List[int]`: List of all available frame numbers in the sequence.""" # noqa return self.imageinfos @property def start_frame(self) -> int: """:obj:`int`: the lowest frame number in the sequence.""" return min(self.frames).frame_number @property def end_frame(self) -> int: """:obj:`int`: the highest frame number in the sequence.""" return max(self.frames).frame_number @property def format_string(self) -> str: """:obj:`str`: A sequence representation used for ``ffmpeg`` arguments formatting.""" # noqa frame: ImageInfo = min(self.frames) ext: str = frame.extension basename =".")[0] result = f"{basename}.%0{self.padding}d{ext}" return result @property def hash_string(self) -> str: """:obj:`str`: A sequence representation used for ``oiiotool`` arguments formatting.""" # noqa frame: ImageInfo = min(self.frames) ext: str = frame.extension basename =".")[0] result = f"{basename}.{self.start_frame}-{self.end_frame}#{ext}" return result @property def format_string(self) -> str: """:obj:`str`: A sequence representation used for ``ffmpeg`` arguments formatting. # noqa Error: That's a duplicate so let's run tests and remove it. """ frame: ImageInfo = min(self.frames) ext: str = frame.extension basename =".")[0] result = f"{basename}.%0{self.padding}d{ext}" return result @property def padding(self) -> int: """:obj:`int`: The sequence's frame padding.""" frame = min(self.frames) result = len(str(frame.frame_number)) return result @property def frames_missing(self) -> bool: """:obj:`bool`: Property for checking if any frames are missing in the sequence. # noqa Note: Could be extended to also return which frames are missing. """ start = min(self.frames).frame_number end = max(self.frames).frame_number expected: int = len(range(start, end)) + 1 return not expected == len(self.frames) @property def width(self) -> int: """:obj:`int`: the sequence's width based on the first frame found.""" return self.imageinfos[0].width @property def display_width(self) -> int: """:obj:`int`: the sequence's display_width based on the first frame found.""" # noqa return self.imageinfos[0].display_width @property def height(self) -> int: """:obj:`int`: the sequence's height based on the first frame found.""" return self.imageinfos[0].height @property def display_height(self) -> int: """:obj:`int`: the sequence's display_height based on the first frame found.""" # noqa return self.imageinfos[0].display_height