Source code for lablib.generators.slate_html

from __future__ import annotations

import shutil
from typing import List, Dict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path

from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
from import By

from ..lib import utils

[docs] @dataclass class SlateHtmlGenerator: """Class to generate a slate from a template. Attention: This class is functional but not yet tested. TODO: * refactor into a plain python class * add tests Attributes: data: A dictionary containing the data to be formatted in the template. width: The width of the slate. height: The height of the slate. staging_dir: The directory where the slate will be staged. slate_template_path: The path to the template. source_files: A list of source files. is_source_linear: A boolean to set whether the source files are linear. """ data: Dict = field(default_factory=dict) width: int = 1920 height: int = 1080 staging_dir: str = None slate_template_path: str = None source_files: List = field(default_factory=list) is_source_linear: bool = True def __post_init__(self): if not self.staging_dir: self.staging_dir = utils.get_staging_dir() self._thumbs = [] self._charts = [] self._thumb_class_name: str = "thumb" self._chart_class_name: str = "chart" self._template_staging_dirname: str = "slate_staging" self._slate_staged_path: str = None self._slate_computed: str = None self._slate_base_image_path: str = None self._remove_missing_parents: bool = True self._slate_base_name = "slate_base.png" options = Options() # THIS WILL NEED TO BE SWITCHED TO NEW MODE, BUT THERE ARE BUGS. # WE SHOULD BE FINE FOR A COUPLE OF YEARS UNTIL DEPRECATION. # --headless=new works only with 100% display size, # if you use a different display scaling (for hidpi monitors) # the resizing of the screenshot will not work. options.add_argument("--headless") options.add_argument("--hide-scrollbars") options.add_argument("--show-capture=no") options.add_argument("--log-level=OFF") options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") options.add_argument("--disable-dev-shm-usage") options.add_argument("--disable-extensions") options.add_argument("--disable-gpu") options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-logging"]) self._driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options) def get_staging_dir(self) -> str: return self.staging_dir def get_thumb_placeholder(self) -> str: self._driver.get(self._slate_staged_path) thumb_placeholder = self._driver.find_elements( By.CLASS_NAME, self._thumb_class_name )[0] src = thumb_placeholder.get_attribute("src").replace("file:///", "") return src def set_slate_base_name(self, name: str) -> None: self._slate_base_name = "{}.png".format(name) def set_remove_missing_parent(self, remove: bool = True) -> None: self._remove_missing_parents = remove def set_linear_working_space(self, is_linear: bool) -> None: self.is_source_linear = is_linear def set_source_files(self, files: List) -> None: self.source_files = files def set_template_path(self, path: str) -> None: self.slate_template_path = Path(path).resolve().as_posix() def set_data(self, data: Dict) -> None: = data def set_size(self, width: int, height: int) -> None: self.width = width self.height = height def set_thumb_class_name(self, name: str) -> None: self._thumb_class_name = name def set_chart_class_name(self, name: str) -> None: self._chart_class_name = name def set_viewport_size(self, width: int, height: int) -> None: window_size = self._driver.execute_script( "return [window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth + arguments[0]," "window.outerHeight - window.innerHeight + arguments[1]];", width, height, ) self._driver.set_window_size(*window_size) def stage_slate(self) -> str: if not self.staging_dir: raise ValueError("Missing staging dir!") if not self.slate_template_path: raise ValueError("Missing slate template path!") slate_path = Path(self.slate_template_path).resolve() slate_dir = slate_path.parent slate_name = slate_staging_dir = Path( self.staging_dir, self._template_staging_dirname ).resolve() slate_staged_path = Path(slate_staging_dir, slate_name).resolve() shutil.rmtree(slate_staging_dir.as_posix(), ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(src=slate_dir.as_posix(), dst=slate_staging_dir.as_posix()) self._slate_staged_path = slate_staged_path.as_posix() return self._slate_staged_path def format_slate(self) -> None: if not raise ValueError("Missing subst_data to format template!") with open(self._slate_staged_path, "r+") as f: formatted_slate = f.write(formatted_slate) f.truncate() self._driver.get(self._slate_staged_path) elements = self._driver.find_elements( By.XPATH, "//*[contains(text(),'{}')]".format(utils.format_dict._placeholder), ) for el in elements: self._driver.execute_script( "var element = arguments[0];\n" " = 'none';", el ) if self._remove_missing_parents: parent = el.find_element(By.XPATH, "..") self._driver.execute_script( "var element = arguments[0];\n" " = 'none';", parent, ) with open(self._slate_staged_path, "w") as f: f.write(self._driver.page_source) def setup_base_slate(self) -> str: self._driver.get(self._slate_staged_path) self.set_viewport_size(self.width, self.height) thumbs = self._driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, self._thumb_class_name) for thumb in thumbs: src_path = thumb.get_attribute("src") if not src_path: continue aspect_ratio = self.width / self.height thumb_height = int(thumb.size["width"] / aspect_ratio) self._driver.execute_script( "var element = arguments[0];" " = '{}px'".format( thumb_height ), thumb, ) self._thumbs.append( utils.ImageInfo( filename=src_path.replace("file:///", ""), origin_x=thumb.location["x"], origin_y=thumb.location["y"], width=thumb.size["width"], height=thumb_height, ) ) for thumb in thumbs: self._driver.execute_script( "var element = arguments[0];" "element.parentNode.removeChild(element);", thumb, ) charts = self._driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, self._chart_class_name) for chart in charts: src_path = chart.get_attribute("src") if src_path: self._charts.append( utils.ImageInfo( filename=src_path.replace("file:///", ""), origin_x=chart.location["x"], origin_y=chart.location["y"], width=chart.size["width"], height=chart.size["height"], ) ) for chart in charts: self._driver.execute_script( "var element = arguments[0];" "element.parentNode.removeChild(element);", chart, ) template_staged_path = Path(self._slate_staged_path).resolve().parent slate_base_path = Path(template_staged_path, self._slate_base_name).resolve() self._driver.save_screenshot(slate_base_path.as_posix()) self._driver.quit() self._slate_base_image_path = slate_base_path return slate_base_path def set_thumbnail_sources(self) -> None: thumb_steps = int(len(self.source_files) / (len(self._thumbs) + 1)) for i, t in enumerate(self._thumbs): self._thumbs[i].filename = ( Path(self.source_files[thumb_steps * (i + 1)]).resolve().as_posix() ) def create_base_slate(self) -> None: self.stage_slate() self.format_slate() # thumb_info = utils.read_image_info(self.get_thumb_placeholder()) # thumb_cmd = [ # "oiiotool", # "-i", thumb_info.filename, # "-resize", "{}x{}".format(self.width, self.height), # "-o", thumb_info.filename # ] # self.setup_base_slate() self.set_thumbnail_sources() def get_oiiotool_cmd(self) -> List: label = "base" cmd = [ "-i", Path(self._slate_base_image_path).resolve().as_posix(), "--colorconvert", "sRGB", "linear", "--ch", "R,G,B,A=1.0", "--label", "slate", "--create", "{}x{}".format(self.width, self.height), "4", "--ch", "R,G,B,A=0.0", "--label", label, ] for thumb in self._thumbs: cmd.extend(["-i", thumb.filename]) if not self.is_source_linear: cmd.extend(["--colorconvert", "sRGB", "linear"]) cmd.extend( [ "--ch", "R,G,B,A=1.0", "--resample", "{}x{}+{}+{}".format( thumb.width, thumb.height, thumb.origin_x, thumb.origin_y ), label, "--over", "--label", "imgs", ] ) label = "imgs" for chart in self._charts: cmd.extend( [ "-i", chart.filename, "--colorconvert", "sRGB", "linear", "--ch", "R,G,B,A=1.0", "--resample", "{}x{}+{}+{}".format( chart.width, chart.height, chart.origin_x, chart.origin_y ), "imgs", "--over", "--label", "imgs", ] ) cmd.extend( [ "slate", "--over", "--label", "complete_slate", ] ) if not self.is_source_linear: cmd.extend( [ "--colorconvert", "linear", "sRGB", ] ) return cmd