Source code for lablib.generators.ocio_config

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import logging
import uuid
from typing import List, Union, Dict, Optional
from pathlib import Path

import PyOpenColorIO as OCIO
from ..lib import get_vendored_env

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class OCIOConfigFileGenerator: """Class for generating and manipulating OCIO Config files. Attributes: context (str): The context of the OCIO Config file. config_path (Optional[str]): The path to the OCIO Config file. family (Optional[str]): The family of the OCIO Config file. operators (Optional[List[OCIO.Transform]]): A list of OCIO Transform objects. working_space (Optional[str]): The working space of the OCIO Config file. views (Optional[List[str]]): A list of views. description (Optional[str]): The description of the OCIO Config file. staging_dir (Optional[str]): The staging directory of the OCIO Config file. environment_variables (Optional[Dict]): A dictionary of environment variables. Example: >>> from lablib.operators import LUT >>> from lablib.generators import OCIOConfigFileGenerator >>> lut = LUT(src="src", dst="dst") >>> ocio = OCIOConfigFileGenerator( ... context="context", ... config_path="config.ocio", ... operators=[lut], ... working_space="working_space", ... views=["view1", "view"], ... description="description", ... staging_dir="staging_dir", ... environment_variables={"key": "value"}, ... ) >>> ocio.create_config() '<staging_dir_path>/config.ocio' Raises: ValueError: If :attr:`config_path` is not set and the OCIO environment variable is not set. FileNotFoundError: If the OCIO Config file is not found. """ _description: str _vars: Dict[str, str] = {} _views: List[str] = [] _config_path: Path # OCIO Config file _ocio_config: OCIO.Config # OCIO Config object _ocio_transforms: List = [] _ocio_search_paths: List[str] _ocio_config_name: str = "config.ocio" _dest_path: str _operators: List[OCIO.Transform] def __init__( self, context: str, family: Optional[str] = None, operators: Optional[List[OCIO.Transform]] = None, config_path: Optional[str] = None, working_space: Optional[str] = None, views: Optional[List[str]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, staging_dir: Optional[str] = None, environment_variables: Optional[Dict] = None, ): # Context is required self.context = context = family or "LabLib" # Default working space if working_space is None: self.working_space = "ACES - ACEScg" else: self.working_space = working_space # Default views if views: self.set_views(views) # Default operators if operators: self.set_operators(operators) # Set OCIO config path and with validation if config_path is None: env = get_vendored_env() if OCIO_env_path := env.get("OCIO", None): config_path = Path(OCIO_env_path) else: raise ValueError("OCIO environment variable not set!") if config_path.is_file(): self._config_path = config_path else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Config file not found: {config_path}") # Default staging directory if staging_dir is None: self.staging_dir = ( Path( os.environ.get("TEMP", os.environ["TMP"]), "LabLib", str(uuid.uuid4()), ) .resolve() .as_posix() ) else: self.staging_dir = staging_dir self._description = description or "LabLib OCIO Config" if environment_variables: self.set_vars(**environment_variables)
[docs] def set_ocio_config_name(self, name: str) -> None: """Set the name of the OCIO Config file. Arguments: name (str): The name of the OCIO Config file. """ self._ocio_config_name = name
[docs] def set_views(self, *args: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None: """Set the views for the OCIO Config file. Attention: This will clear any existing views. Arguments: *args: A list of views. """ self.clear_views() self.append_views(*args)
[docs] def set_operators(self, *args) -> None: """Set operators. Attention: This will clear any existing operators. Arguments: *args: A list of :obj:`lablib.operators` objects. """ self.clear_operators() self.append_operators(*args)
[docs] def set_vars(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Set the environment variables for the OCIO Config file. Attention: This will clear any existing environment variables. Arguments: **kwargs: A key/value map of environment variables. """ self.clear_vars() self.append_vars(**kwargs)
[docs] def clear_operators(self) -> None: """Clear the operators.""" self._operators = []
[docs] def clear_views(self): """Clear the views.""" self._views = []
[docs] def clear_vars(self): """Clear the environment variables.""" self._vars = {}
[docs] def append_operators(self, *args) -> None: """Append operators. Arguments: *args: A list of :obj:`lablib.operators` objects. """ for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, list): self.append_operators(*arg) else: self._operators.append(arg)
[docs] def append_views(self, *args: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None: """Append views. Arguments: *args: A list of views. """ for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, list): self.append_views(*arg) else: self._views.append(arg)
[docs] def append_vars(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Append environment variables. Arguments: **kwargs: A key/value map of environment variables. """ self._vars.update(kwargs)
[docs] def get_config_path(self) -> str: """Return the path to the OCIO Config file. Returns: str: The path to the OCIO Config file. """ return self._dest_path
[docs] def get_description_from_config(self) -> str: """Return the description from the OCIO Config file. Returns: str: The description text. """ return self._ocio_config.getDescription()
def _get_search_paths_from_config(self) -> List[str]: """Return the search paths from the OCIO Config file. Returns: List[str]: A list of search paths. """ return list(self._ocio_config.getSearchPaths()) def _sanitize_search_paths(self, paths: List[str]) -> None: """Sanitize the search paths. It will check if the path is a file or a directory and add it to the search paths. It will also replace any variables found in the path. Arguments: paths (List[str]): A list of search paths. """ real_paths = [] for p in paths: computed_path = self._config_path.parent / p if computed_path.is_file(): computed_path = computed_path.parent.resolve() real_paths.append(computed_path.as_posix()) elif computed_path.is_dir(): computed_path = computed_path.resolve() real_paths.append(computed_path.as_posix()) real_paths = list(set(real_paths)) var_paths = [self._swap_variables(path) for path in real_paths] self._search_paths = var_paths def _get_absolute_search_paths(self) -> None: """Get the absolute search paths from the OCIO Config file.""" paths = self._get_search_paths_from_config() for ocio_transform in self._ocio_transforms: if not hasattr(ocio_transform, "getSrc"): continue search_path = Path(ocio_transform.getSrc()) if not search_path.exists(): log.warning(f"Path not found: {search_path}") paths.append(ocio_transform.getSrc()) self._sanitize_search_paths(paths) def _change_src_paths_to_names(self) -> None: """Change the abs paths to file names only in the OCIO Config file. This will also replace any variables found in the path. """ for ocio_transform in self._ocio_transforms: if not hasattr(ocio_transform, "getSrc"): continue # TODO: this should be probably somewhere else if ( hasattr(ocio_transform, "getCCCId") and ocio_transform.getCCCId() ): ocio_transform.setCCCId( self._swap_variables(ocio_transform.getCCCId()) ) search_path = Path(ocio_transform.getSrc()) if not search_path.exists(): log.warning(f"Path not found: {search_path}") # Change the src path to the name of the search path # and replace any found variables ocio_transform.setSrc( self._swap_variables( def _swap_variables(self, text: str) -> str: """Replace variables in a string with their values. Arguments: text (str): The text to replace variables in. Returns: str: The text with the variables replaced. """ new_text = text for k, v in self._vars.items(): new_text = text.replace(v, f"${k}") return new_text
[docs] def load_config_from_file(self, filepath: str) -> None: """Load an OCIO Config file from a file. Arguments: filepath (str): The path to the OCIO Config file. """ self._ocio_config = OCIO.Config.CreateFromFile(filepath)
[docs] def process_config(self) -> None: """Process the OCIO Config file. This will add the environment variables, description, group transform, color space transform, color space, look, display view, active views, and validate the OCIO Config object. """ for k, v in self._vars.items(): self._ocio_config.addEnvironmentVar(k, v) self._ocio_config.setDescription(self._description) group_transform = OCIO.GroupTransform(self._ocio_transforms) look_transform = OCIO.ColorSpaceTransform( src=self.working_space, dst=self.context ) colorspace = OCIO.ColorSpace() colorspace.setName(self.context) colorspace.setFamily( colorspace.setTransform( group_transform, OCIO.ColorSpaceDirection.COLORSPACE_DIR_FROM_REFERENCE ) look = OCIO.Look( name=self.context, processSpace=self.working_space, transform=look_transform ) self._ocio_config.addColorSpace(colorspace) self._ocio_config.addLook(look) self._ocio_config.addDisplayView( self._ocio_config.getActiveDisplays().split(",")[0], self.context, self.working_space, looks=self.context, ) if not self._views: views_value = self._ocio_config.getActiveViews() else: views_value = ",".join(self._views) self._ocio_config.setActiveViews( f"{self.context},{views_value}" ) self._ocio_config.validate()
[docs] def write_config(self, dest: str = None) -> str: """Write the OCIO Config object to file. Arguments: dest (str): The destination path to write the OCIO Config file. """ search_paths = [f" - {path}" for path in self._search_paths] config_lines = [] for line in self._ocio_config.serialize().splitlines(): if "search_path" not in line: config_lines.append(line) continue config_lines.extend(["", "search_path:"] + search_paths + [""]) final_config = "\n".join(config_lines) dest = Path(dest).resolve() dest.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with open(dest.as_posix(), "w") as f: f.write(final_config) return final_config
[docs] def create_config(self, dest: str = None) -> str: """Create an OCIO Config file. Arguments: dest (str): The destination path to write the OCIO Config file. Returns: str: The destination path to the OCIO Config file. """ if not dest: dest = Path(self.staging_dir, self._ocio_config_name) dest = Path(dest).resolve().as_posix() self.load_config_from_file(self._config_path.resolve().as_posix()) for op in self._operators: self._ocio_transforms.append(op) self._get_absolute_search_paths() self._change_src_paths_to_names() self.process_config() self.write_config(dest) self._dest_path = dest return dest
[docs] def get_oiiotool_cmd(self) -> List: """Return arguments for the oiiotool command. Returns: List: The arguments for the oiiotool command. """ return [ "--colorconfig", self._dest_path, ( f"--ociolook:from=\"{self.working_space}\"" f":to=\"{self.working_space}\"" ), self.context, ]